Ivy had her 1 year appointment on Monday.
Official stats:
20.5 pounds(50%)
30.5 inches tall(95% !!!)
17.7 inch head (50%)
Girly is growing well and was pronounced perfect except for having a sinus infection. She is currently on her first ever antibiotics. Sigh.
Here is a little portrait of the lady as a 1 year old:
* She is thinking seriously about walking. Precisely on her birthday she started taking a few steps forward with her hands held. She's very into crawling and previously, she'd just buckle to her knees when we held her hands. But on Sunday, boom, it was time to work on vertical mobility. She now cruises around with her little green walker quite happily, very proud and fearless and rather quick, at least til she runs into a wall...
* She is starting to say a few "words" -- Today Nat reports she clearly said "hi dada!" as she tried to get out of being put down for her nap. She also says and enthusiastic "Dah!" when she sees Corydon or a photo of a dog, so I am pretty sure we can count that as a word, final consonant or no...
* She "sings" along with lullabies. All on the same pitch but with a variety of syllables... very cute. She also sings a little "sleepy song" when she is tired, a humming single-pitch noise that is rather soothing, really...
* She is starting to be interested in books and is very enthusiastic about turning pages. Faster than I can read them, most of the time. And, she likes to close the book up again in between each page. So, reading stories together isn't exactly a relaxing pastime, but she is pretty cute. Oh, and she has favorite books already, and favorite pages within those books. She likes the "touch and feel" farm book, and the dog page is her favorite. And in "Mommy Loves" she gets very excited about the page with the cat. I think she has said "Caa!" a few times in response to that page...
* She loves cats. She is crazy about Coco, Becca's cat who is living with Gram gram. She likes to grab her ears. Luckily Coco is patient.
* She loves to put things into things-- and not just random objects, either. She knows just what to do with straws and forks/spoons and today at the store she knew to hand my credit card right to the clerk. :) It's amazing to watch her, knowing that she's just been observing the world all this time, figuring it all out. And how excited she is to be trying it out on her own...
* She's still the happiest little thing going. (Except for when its time to go to bed, which is another story..) People comment all the time on just how smiley and happy she is, that and her eyelashes and her newly obtained blonde curls. She really is a shameless flirt.
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