Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We celebrated in style this evening! "Family Style," that is... Gone are the days of pitchers of green beer, that is for sure! But our evening together as a family rivaled any of those nights, I would say.

Nat is on his spring break, which is lovely. We have gotten used to our schedule of barely seeing each other all week, but I could easily be convinced to get used to having both of us around more. To add to the loveliness, we were blessed with a perfect 65 degree day and blue-sky March sunshine. So, we walked to Turtle Park. I am glad it is Turtle Park season again! I've missed it, and I've missed walking places. Long snowy winter + pregnant momma + trying to take a stroller/dog everywhere = very few walks over the past few months! I may be feeling our mile-long walk tomorrow! Despite being taken at a rather slow, lumbering pace, the walk was grand. Jack was excited to go to Turtle Park. We woke him from his nap around 5:30 and asked him if he was ready to head to the park. He said "yeah" and then asked if we would see Tare at the park. Took me a minute but we finally agreed that he was talking about Claire, his friend from the parent center. He was insistent that we would see her at the park. Or perhaps at her house. "We meet Tare at her home? Yeah! Her will talk at Turtle Park!" Finally Nat e-mailed Claire's dad to let him know we were heading to the park and that Jack had wanted to invite Claire. Turns out Eric happened to check his e-mail, they happened to be free, and Jack got his wish: Claire met us at the park. Those two kids are so insanely cute together. Two little blondies, just the same size, climbing and running and digging in sand. Nat, Eric and I sat around and talked about teaching and ski vacations, and soaked up the sun. Fabulous.
All of a sudden it was 7 so we adjourned to Chipotle for supper. Jack was inspired by Claire, who is an excellent eater-- for the first time he took a fork and dug right in to our burrito bowl. Rice, tomatoes, lettuce, salsa and all. Amazing! He also kept getting out of his chair, going over to Claire, and patting her leg while leaning in towards her and saying "hi!!" or making a silly noise to make her giggle. Quite the ladies man already, eh?? We are definitely encouraging this as Claire is a cutie pie and we really like her family! :)
The boy was a tired little bug by the time we waddled slowly home, watched some Thomas, and made it upstairs for bed. But not too tired to make my evening perfect by singing along with his lullabies. I know I can't put it into words, how perfect and silly and adorable and happy his singing is. The way he says the words, the funny little syncopation he throws in, the smile on his face and the enthusiastic, full volume, off-pitch tune..he has to name the song we are to sing, and then we can sing together. But I have to say it is hard to sing a soothing tune when you are trying so hard not to laugh...

Love that boy!

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