Thursday, December 17, 2009

O Christmas Tree, part 2

If you thought getting the tree was fun, wait for trying to decorate it! Decorating a Christmas tree with a 2 year old is, shall we say, a very different experience from what I've become accustomed to. I should preface this comparison by noting that I tend to be very methodical in my approach to decking our tree. It is one of the few areas of my life in which I am extremely organized. Each ornament has his home, its box or its designated piece of tissue paper. Each one is carefully, nigh reverently removed and enjoyed before being placed, after some deliberation, in the perfect spot on the tree. Then the box is put back together and set carefully aside, to await repacking in January.
By comparison, last night was rather like trying to decorate with a small whirling dervish as an assistant. By the end of the experience our living room looked rather like a war zone for cardboard, hallmark boxes strewn about, tissue paper and packing molds cast aside and ornament hooks everywhere.
Suffice it to say the boy was very, very excited about the ornaments. In particular, opening the ornament boxes. "What in dis one???" After removing (and sometimes inadvertently tossing) the ornament he would then rush over to his "dool" (stepstool) which he wanted to keep in the exact same spot next the tree, and quickly "hang" the ornament. It was important for me to be there in time for the hanging as he has not mastered actual hanging per se; it was more of a thrusting of the ornament at the branch. Whereupon I would catch the ornament, reassign it to a different spot, and rush back to the ornament box in time to help with the next opening. It was exhausting, but pretty adorable, too.

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