Sunday, December 13, 2009

Holidays are approaching...

.. and quickly! December is blurring by, it seems. The second trimester of pregnancy has been hitting mommy kind of hard, at least in the energy department. I have been ready for a nap by 3 every day and because those can't happen, I am therefore ready for bed by about 9. Pair this with Jack's later bedtime these days (sometime between 8 and 9) and that doesn't leave to much time for blogging. Or much else. But we have managed to fit in some pre-holiday cheer and some of our holiday preparations...

The first week of December was spent on birthdays, mine then Nat's. It was a busy week at work for both of us, which we thought would mean our birthdays would be put to the side. In actuality we ended up with birthday celebrations that unfolded gradually over 2-3 days... Jack got a lot of present -opening fun, as each present on the table was "por Dack!" of course. Especially the little ones. He is very convinced that everything little must be for him.

Here's a funny little example of that:
The other night in the car Nat and I were saying something about needing to shop at Giant Eagle. We hear Jack muttering to himself and turn down the music to listen. This is what we hear: "Not giant eagle, little eagle por Jack. Giant eagle for Mommy and Daddy; little eagle is for Jack!"

This past week we decorated for Christmas and went to the Wintershow at the Botanical Gardens, where Jack's favorite thing was the train that went around the base of the tree. He showed no interest in seeing Santa so we didn't push it, not feeling the need to go home with a picture of Jack screaming on the lap of a stranger in a red suit. I think Jack is starting to get more and more excited about Christmas as the weeks go on, though. He is a big fan of Christmas lights, calling out Timmas!! when he sees them. We have yet to get our tree up but I think he will love it too. Hopefully we will be able to keep his hands off it... we have already determined that we won't be able to put any presents out before Christmas morning, though!

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