Thursday, April 9, 2009


That's one of Jack's new words! :) He doesn't really say "I love you" but he will say the word love when we ask. And it is the cutest, sweetest sounding word in the whole universe. I swear. Here are some other cute-isms he says right now:
Hello -- sounds like Heh --wo!-- with a lilting little inflection, always said with a smile.
Open-- sounds like Oat. It's one of a collection of words that he ends with a "t". Such as dap-dapt, his word for diaper. He likes to put dap-dapts on his stuffed animals now. This evening he also spent a long time saying "oat. close." over and over.
Three-- he can now count to three-- move over "two"! If we point to object and say "one, two..." he'll supply "three!"

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