Thursday, April 23, 2009

BMW Enthusiast

The very latest news flash (which should please Jack's dad very much) is that Jack has quite the eye for the mid-eighties BMW 3-series. Today as we were walking home from Coventry (following, I must note, a simply idyllic trip to Turtle Park and Chipotle), Jack pointed across the street and stated, "Car. Dada. cars." (trademark Jack: he puts the "s" on the wrong word, without fail...). I looked where he was pointing and lo and behold, there was a 325i, in white, approximately the same vintage as Nat's! ha!

His proud labeling of the care brings me to his other new development: the two word sentence. Or, rather. The. two. singleword. sentence. The way he talks is just so cute, each word set apart and said with the utmost deliberation. Today he talked with me about a robin:

Jack: wadat? (pointing to a robin)
Me: Oh! It's a robin.
Jack: uh-Huh! Roh. Cheep. cheep!
Me: Cheep! Yes, bird says cheep!
Jack: Up! Up.
Me: (clearly not getting it) What is up?
Jack: Up cheep. Cheep up!

Me: oh, yes. The bird does go up. That's righ.
Jack: up tee! Up. cheep. tee.

Yep, we had a good 2 minute conversation about a bird going up into a tree. I love it.

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