Friday, February 6, 2009

Words and Pictures

Here are a few old ones, from Christmas time in Aurora... The lighting on the lake was so amazing that morning. Here is our pensive little man taking in the fresh winter air on Cayuga.

The following series are more recent, from the past week. Enjoying the great INdoors as our sidewalks in Cleveland are still impassable. One of these years we'll be able to get out for walks again... but for now, lots of moving from room to room to keep things interesting for our very busy, increasingly opinionated and ever more verbal young man....

Cobes scowl!!
Boning up on his Critical Theory and Philosophy in Daddy's office...

While he's not yet reading Sartre (at least not out loud to us!), his vocabulary is increasing every day. In the past few days, he has added the words: bus (jussss), car, dumptruck (tugruck), cookie (dooo), Tv (TEE), and DVD/CD (du-dee). Looking at that list I realize just how far we have wandered from our very principled, pre-parenting ideas of parenting.
I was going to raise my boy in a decidedly gender neutral environment. Now, he's obsessed with trucks. We just checked 7 truck and bus themed books out of the library tonight. Sigh.
We were going to give him only simple, active-learning, not technology based toys. Now, he can often be found wandering our home with a cell phone to his ears.
We were going to give him only whole, organic foods. Now, he gets to snack on cookies. They make him so happy, though! HIs favorites are Trader Joes Cat's cookies, the ginger variety. He asks for "dooo" and then says "mew!" when we hand him a little cat...
We were going to limit the TV he watched, and not let him watch any for his first year. Now, at 17 months, he knows how to turn the TV on and is working on the VCR...
Ah well...

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