Thursday, November 20, 2008


Five of them, to be exact. This report came from Nat, who observed the 5 tentative shuffles as Jack moved from his post holding onto the vacuum, to his lego table. No repeat performances for me tonight, though I tried to encourage him at drinking buddies. So-- I don't think walking is going to happen tomorrow-- but we are sighting it on the horizon!

This new development coincides with the realization that the little book I read, Your One Year Old, was completely right. As Jack approaches 15 months, soon to be closer to 18 months than he is to 12 months, he is beginning to take on the fussy, opinionated, independent, silly, testing, loving nature the authors describe... This year will continue to be an adventure-- especially when our fussy, opinionated, independent, silly, testing and loving little man becomes truly mobile! I hope we're ready...


Unknown said...

Woohoo Jack!!! Hayleigh will take 1 step if I let go of her hand, but that's it. Maybe you can teach her how to do it.

Our Family said...

Congrats Jack!!