Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The stats are in...

Jack had his 9 month well-baby visit on Tuesday... turns out he's a big baby. Here are the official stats:
Height-- 30 inches (97th percentile!!! egad!)
Weight-- 21 pounds, 7 ounces (not quite as much as we'd expected-- 78th percentile)
Head-- 44 centimeters (why is the height measured in standard, and the head in metric? We may never know... anyways, 75th percentile)

He was also given a clean bill of health, pronounced developmentally on target, and had no shots. So, a great visit! :)

In other news, we have gotten our bikes out of the garage for the first time since we moved in to this house. A year ago. Jeesh.
We got a baby bike trailer from one of my colleagues and got it hooked up for the Jackmeister, (on Nat's bike-- very much the Dad thing, to pull the bike trailer. We're so damn conventional in our gender roles. hee hee) and Sunday we tooled around the neighborhood for the first time, went down to Coventry. Today, a gorgeous, very summer-ish afternoon, we went out riding for close to an hour. We meandered around some back streets near us, starting with some that we've walked down before, and then ranging farther and farther afield. We quite unexpectedly found ourselves in the Cedar/Fairmount neighborhood and so we stopped for a drink at Starbucks. Lovely.

On the way home, Jack turned into a bit of a giggle monster. He'd been having a pretty grand time the whole ride, cooing and laughing, reaching out to touch the air as it rushed by. As we headed down Somerton towards home, I rode next to the trailer for a while, to have a look at the boy. When I turned to face him, and said hi, he began to squeal, nigh chortle with glee, clapping his hands and belly laughing. I turned back to the road and the giggles subsided... until I turned back to him. Chortling commenced again. Nat and I could hardly pedal, we were so busy laughing along with him. There is something absolutely irresistible about a baby laughing. This may in fact be the true reason that people have children.

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