In other news, we did the "baby switch" at Starbucks today. It's so fun to hang out with Jack there. He loves it, just watching the lights and the people. And we get to talk to all sorts of admirers. Everyone exclaims over his big blue eyes. It's pretty fun to have a gorgeous baby. ;) Jack also enjoyed having more water from a cup... he kept going after our coffee cups with an open mouth so we got him his own cup with a bit of water and he loved drinking from it! Actually I ought to put "drinking" in quotes: I believe a more accurate description of what went on might be "soaking his bib by dribbling water out of his mouth"...
And, finally, a completely unrelated picture from late last week, which I really enjoy... (Week 24 pics to come soon... egad! When did my baby get to be 24 weeks old!!!)
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