Then April went and got all spring-green gorgeous and I had to kayak instead of clean. And Jen came to town and we had to play instead of exercise. And it turns out my singing schedule hasn't really lightened up yet.... nor has the laundry. And we're still renovating a house and we had to find TWO new tenants for Rexwood and we continue to have far too many animals to clean up after....
So here at the start of May (so soon!) April turned out to be just more of me running around like crazy trying to grab hold of the moments of my life as they fly by...
Not that it was a BAD month. Not at all! Just, not particularly balanced.
<shrugs> At least there's always May....
Highlights reel.
I got me some new daffies last fall and they are glorious.
(and so are oddly cooperative teens who look like they actually like each other in this photo.)
So is playing tag on the lawn at Wade Lagoon. These people love tag.
So is the lake.
Prpgress at Lucknow! Since this photo was take we've added a stove and fridge and recessed lighting above the sink. And we think we're going to paing the kitchen the actual color of the drywall protective paper because it turns out its perfect in the space.
Betty has a friend! We brought Nat's Kayak home from Easter in Aurora and I got to show my honey my happy place on Euclid Creek.
Riding lessons with my favorites.
Kayaking with a friend. To an ACTUAL beaver dam. So cool.
Oh, hi, cherry blossoms.
And a pet bunny out for a walk.
Night with our neighbors. Had an impromptu and informal gathering where we met Taro and Calizo, the new pups from Puerto Rico... and drank all the things and laughed and laughed in the warm spring air, and I got to snuggle with and tuck in a 5 year old. A perfect night, pretty much.
After some time apart (because life just gets busy for everyone) Ivy was reunited with her beloved Goose, and she and Vi have had several "farm days" with our friend Mallory this month. Grateful for generosity and the light in my girl's eyes when she is with horses...
Oh and I also met Bruno and he and I are in love.
Oh and I also met Bruno and he and I are in love.
Movie night with choir friends. With cocktails and food as glorious as the weather...
And then, to make a busy and wonderful month even more busy and wonderful!! A visit from JEN!
Which coincided with Cocktail Choir so first I went and sang 80s music with these people (after Jen covered my face in glitter) and then they all came over to play with Jen and a lot of other Hiram peeps and I was SO happy. I just love when people from different parts of my life come together.
Then- more fun with my chorus peeps-- off to Columbus to rehearse the Mahler 8 with Bob Porco and the May Festival chorus...5 hours of singing and a long drive so why not make a weekend of it? A group of us stayed in Columbus and treated ourselves to Ethiopian and Otherworld and watching comedy til all hours of the night. I really don't understand sometimes how I got so lucky, to have friends and opportunities like these- and the support of my husband who holds down the fort while I am away.
Jen stayed through the week so we got to have thai food with Donna....
...and grilled pizza with crazy toppings at Tina and Cassidy's place...
And a rollicking campfire on a Thursday, where my girl learned she LOVES to chop wood.
You know you like your daughter's friends when... you let them take out your beloved kayak. These two felt like giving it a try (and getting out os swim practice for a day) and it was so fun to watch them fall in love with Euclid Creek too.
I don't usually post photos of my students on the blog but this one is internet friendly and captures a nice moment of these sweeties enjoying Friday afternoon with some Lego time. It's been a tough year and we're not done yet, but April is a bit of a sweet spot. Routines established, some progress evident for every kiddo, but not yet into the mad rush of the end of the year. Some good things have happened in this little classroom this year.
Oh, hi there, chickens.Campfire round two with Jen! A new cast of characters- including Smeg, all the way from Buffalo!-as well as everyone from Thursday who came back for more.
Moved it inside after a while for some Questions and Answers and Cards Against Humanity and my stomach hurt from laughing and my "I feel like I am 19 again" heart was just so very happy and I was so energized that I stayed up til 3am in the hot tub with Meg and Jen
But worth it all to sing the Brahms.
Luckliy I was energized again to tackle the 4 hour Oddesy that was getting Jen from Chardon (where we dropped of girls for horse time) to North Olmsted (where'd she leave for her trip to St. Thomas with a friend the next day).
It was a magical adventure through my own town that included a perfect greenhouse, a geodesic dome, and the Miles Road Market.
Luckliy I was energized again to tackle the 4 hour Oddesy that was getting Jen from Chardon (where we dropped of girls for horse time) to North Olmsted (where'd she leave for her trip to St. Thomas with a friend the next day).
It was a magical adventure through my own town that included a perfect greenhouse, a geodesic dome, and the Miles Road Market.
This photo pretty much sums up the energy of having my wonderful friend in town this past week.
Topped off the day with a trip to Playhouse Square where I was very impressed with Tina.
Topped off the day with a trip to Playhouse Square where I was very impressed with Tina.
And we turn the corner into May, with Cleveland Heights looking like this and me all exhausted and out of shape still but my heart completely full of friendship and joy.
Who needs balance, anyways?
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