Thursday, May 28, 2020

Day 59...Spring Socializing (May 19)

This week marked the greening of our front garden, with hostas coming into their glory.  It also marked the week we started to relax some of our own social distancing, in tandem with the "reopening" of Ohio that started this week.  Patio dining and retail stores are opening up but we've continued to stick close to home and for the most part, our "new normal" routine.  But lovely, warming weather brings more opportunities for outdoor socialization.

Like meetups at Coventry park and frisbee with a friend...

...windy- day trips to the beach with kite flying and hiding in the dunes...

... and porch picnics with besties.  Ivy tried at least 4 new foods in the lunch vio brought for her from Stone Oven... oh the power of peer pressure!

 The girls also played in the backyard and washed the porch for me.... 10 year olds are ok sometimes!

.. and even 6 miles with a running friend-- distanced the whole time, of course!

While I am fine not rushing back to life as usual, and still keeping my focus on my family's health... I've got to admit that being around other humans feels amazing.

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