Ten year old Ivy is starting to seek independence. She loves to help cook and no longer asks for help getting out of the shower, and she goes to bed without a lullabye mosts nights. But she still sleeps with lights on and loves to snuggle and wants us with her when she tries new things. Sometimes she is so very mature, brave and confident and articulate, and sometimes she wants to giggle and play and be so very young. She is experimenting with makeup but still refuses to brush her hair most days. She's starting down the road to puberty and may get there before Jack at the rate they both are going. I look at her and I see the "tween" but also my little sweetheart. Such an interesting, in between moment of her life, this "10"...
Approximately 24 hours before my girl's birthday I had the sudden realization that just because we can't have a giant themed party this year, I could still probably manage to put up a few decorations. Up until that moment I'd done nothing but accumulate some presents. Apparently my over-the-top party planning mojo is completely dependent on the approval and admiration of people outside my own family...
Here's what we managed to pull together for Ivy's quaran-birthday:
Resurrected a few banners from birthday's past, Nat braved target for crepe paper, and we blew up lots of balloons.
Nat made a scavenger hunt puzzle to have Ivy hunt for her presents...
At least I remembered to make her annual photo collage...
Sweet girl played along with the hunt very well, and got the clues instantly (miss smartie pants!)
And when she got back in the dining room her brother had made her presents appear! He noted that its pretty fun to help plan and prepare for a party. :)
Winter enjoyed being along for all the action, of course.
In addition to her new bike, girlie was spoiled with new Harry Potter themed bedding for her room,
Lol Surprise dolls (she shared the "joys" of opening with her brother!)
... and some hot rollers, some "make your own squishies" and a bed curtain/net to round out the gifts.
There are a few blessings to having your birthday on quarantine. One of the biggest is being able to spend all day-- literally, all day-- in your pajamas. Also we have all day together to finish up "party prep" with few distractions.
This year Ivy designed, baked, and did a great deal of the decorating for her own cake. Many thanks to her friend who delivered an early birthday gift on Friday which included beautiful food coloring and cake decorating tips!
We also decorated the yard and had the added joy of random honking all day... followed each time by a "woohoo!" from Nat. Kept things festive from start to finish.
Even when it snowed. Another blessing of this birthday-- it would NOT have been a good day to host 20 people for a backyard party.
Right in the middle of the sudden blizzard, some beautiful friend of ours drove over to leave a chalk message and deliver beautiful gifts. And more friends came by the next day too. I love our village.
After dinner (cheeseless un-baked lasagna, Ivy's recipe) we hosted a Zoom party for some of Ivy's biggest fans. We were able to sing together and watch the girl blwo out her candles and most of our party guests came prepared with dessert to eat together. Ivy opened her gifts and cards with gratitude and it was a sweet time together, even being apart.
And then yesterday we continued the celebration by picking up 3 foster kittens (thank you Universe for the perfect timing) so here's hoping Ivy will remember this surreal and strange day of celebration fondly in years to come.
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