Monday, March 9, 2020

Into Spring

 Writing today from New York, on a three day trip for Claire's brithday, where we've been greeted by all the signs of spring:  blooming snowdrops, brilliant sunshine on Cayuga Lake, springing our clocks foward, and a sick kiddo in the night last night... you have to take the bad with the good, I guess.

A recap of the rest of real winter-time, as we round the corner into Spring... 

 A mid-February trip to Snow Trails, where the current 3 skiers in the family had a wonderful day on the slopes.  Just the sweetest little ski area!  Particularly enjoyable when virtually free (thanks, Bec, for the gift card!)
 Mid February sunshine and ice at the lake...

 ... and more sunshine for my first spring long run, 10 miles around Edgewater...

 Orchid Mania on its last weekend (and a whole day with our friend, too!)

 School events abounding! 
Wax Museum and Soul Food Cafe at Boulevard -- Super well-attended this year!
 The first annual "Sound Bites" middle school band celebration.  Went off without a hitch and was super fun to watch these young people show off in small ensembles.

 Boulevard provided the window art at Appletree Books this month!

 A gathering with my Community of Hope friends-- and weekly rehearsals with the Hope choir, which has been a wonderfully fun growing experience for me, learning to sing gospel music for the first time.  Baby Empress is 13 months old and walking!
 More ice and sunshine at the Lake... an extraordinary sunset and extraordinarily cold!

And, our spring-like days in upstate NY. We're not usually here this time of year and it's been neat to see our favorite spots lit with yellow-March sunshine and no leaves on the trees to mar the view...
We've celebrated Claire's birthday with a family brunch at the Inn, cake, pizza, a high school musical, singing at church, shooting bee-bee guns, playing chess, a hike at Toughannock, and a visit to Farley's in the off season.

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