Monday, September 3, 2018

Summer lights

Our last weekend of summer vacation was a full of light and lovely weather.  Also, because life is a study in contrasts- a sick boy and a whole lot of pre-school stress. We did our darndest to enjoy the light.

 We purchased tickets a good month ago for the lantern festival at the Zoo, and wow was I regretting the advance purchase when Friday evening rolled around and I was tired from two professional days at work, Jack was droopy with a sore throat, and skies threatened rain.

It was pretty hard to stay disconsolate, though, in the face of baby rhinos.
 And Chinese markets.
 And amazing lanterns....

 I am glad we went and I hope we can go again next year- with everyone healthy and energetic!
Ivy spent the night with her Gram but our sick boy wanted to be at home... which is where we left him on Saturday morning so we could gallivant around town on trolleys.  We had some serious parental guilt when we got home to find the poor child feverish.  And yet-- he was in the best spot for a sickie all day, and had an excellent caregiver.
 Nat and I did have a great day ignoring our responsibilities!

I just love the City Hop.
 And Coastal Tacos eaten on the East Bank boardwalk...

 ... and walking under the Detroit Superior Bridge....
 ... and afternoon beers at hip new breweries in Hingetown
 We picked up our little sunshine for the Hop home...  She loves a good trolley ride just like her momma.

A wonderful weekend for three fourths of our family....

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