Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Swimmers (June 12-17)

While mom was away (in Costa Rica June 3-12! See Facebook posts for details....), our two little swimmers jumped in to summer swim team practice.  And a trip to Farley's for the weekend.  I was a little sad to miss Winter's first trip to the point, but I soldiered through being in Costa Rica instead. :) 

Coming home felt good.  Settling in to (early!) mornings at the pool, taking kids to church camp for the morning, relaxing, walking the dog, cleaning, reading....  Summer vacation is the best.

A highlight from this week-- the kids' first swim meet!  Memorable due to not one but two storm delays, followed by blazing heat.... and some pretty great swimming on the part of our little fish!

This boy won all four of his races (two relays and two individual heats) and he was pretty pumped.

 This girl dove off the blocks and did a whole 25 of butterfly! 

 It was so fun to watch them and cheer-- for them and the team.  Never thought of myself as  big sports buff but I can sure get into watching sporting events when my kids are involved!

Thinking of swimmers:   this little dog has it down!  Several more trips to the lake, some encouragement, and confidence... and she can fetch sticks now!  I feel like our baby is all grown up...

 In other news-- Nat, Winter and I went  to Alumni Weekend for the day, crashing the class of '98 reunion.  While several people we'd really hoped to see ended up not coming, we did see a lot of friends, many for the first time in 20 years.  Whew.  We also got to enjoy a beautiful day in one of our favorite places, with our little dog too.  Can't complain.
Winter lost her mind about this dog-human hybrid.  Her new best friend for sure. 

Exploring campus

And then, home to this again for a few more days... towels and sunshine and gardens.  Summertime, captured on a porch.  

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