Thursday, January 21, 2016

Settling in...

Three day weekend... snowy weather... road trips...ballet class... ice skating...PJ pants...candles... crochet...sleeping in...working out...

January days flying by in a snowy, settled sort of way...

Moonrise over Cleveland.  Icy-mirror lake.  Subtle waves.  Bitter wind.  Perfect evening for a walk at the park...

Ice skating at the Rink at Wade Oval.  The magic of our neighborhood.  Rink hopping on a Friday night.  People of all stripes, laughing and turning and falling and sitting around (unecessary) warming fires in the 45 degree night.  We took our new boarder along with us and she had a great time. (We are so enjoying having her here!)

A day driving in Cleveland... a trip to the chicken feed store and then time on Larchmere.  Some spontaneous glass fusing at Tina's new shop.  A failed attempt to buy yarn at a sweet little fiber shop (too. many. choices.  At least for this beginning crocheter...

Sunday-- a drive to IKEA of course.  We simply cannot be trusted with 3 day weekends! We opted for IKEA because it promised to be warm in the car the whole way there...and also because our friends could meet us there.  Three hours of quality together-time in faux living areas throughout the store.  Who could ask for more?

Monday-- So intensely grateful that I didn't have to leave the house in this! we snuggled in for the duration.  Baked cookies, watched AFV (the kids new obsession) and didn't change out of PJ's all day.  Yes.

The chickens have not been amused.

What else do you do on a snowy day off?  Dye your daughter's hair with Kool Aid, of course.  She's got a pale pink streak now, which has been much noted and admired by classmates and ballet friends alike.

Kids had another day off today (teacher workday for CH-UH) so they did the only other reasonable thing:  handprint art, on a grand scale. 
(and ice skating and swimming at the J, too.  Some kids will sleep well tonight.

My funny babies. 

Signing off now to enjoy a bit more of the calm before the storm (it promises to be a friend-full, rich and beautiful weekend with nary a moment to rest).  I've decided for some reason to take up two new hobbies (daily coloring and crochet) and I am still trying to figure out the best way to stretch my day and make room.  I am most determined to try, though. I am enjoying the addition of some calming, (moderately) creative moments in my days...

Feels good to settle in to this winter life. 

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