Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year

 Happy New Year!

It's 2016!  Unimaginable, really.  It seems like a moment ago that we were wondering at 2015.   It has been an extraordinarily fast 365 days.  I think I say that every year.  I am CERTAIN I say it every year.  But I mean it this year.  I blinked and we were here.

 We were here, at the annual "New Toddler's Eve" party.  Except there aren't many toddlers any more in this group.  Just these tall lovely children who disperse to playrooms and basements (and in some cases bathrooms, where Jack and Greg hid to trade Pokemon cards for a while) and leave the adults to drink cosmos and eggnog and catch up with friends from near and far.

And did I mention the cosmos?

We even danced.

 It was a REAL party, I tell ya.

Even if half the guest list was under the age of 9.

And even if we were home by 10pm.

We still rang in the new year with style.  And with some wonderful, wonderful friends. How deeply grateful I am for the friendships we forged all those years ago at a little utopian college...

And then we came home and played Candyland, and drank cocoa, and let the kids stay up til midnight while we watched old episodes of America's Funniest Videos.

We jumped into the new year holding some silver and watching Times Square on a laptop screen.
And how happy I was in that moment, to be here, with these people I love, in this home so safe and warm, a new year spread out before us.

And writing resolutions was so easy because why do I need to change a thing?

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