Saturday, November 7, 2015

November, week one: leaves, lakes and chickens

Fall is upon us here in Cleveland.  Or at least upon our yard, which is finally carpeted in brown and gold and looks a little less like full summer.

Our lake, though?  Still holding on to summer, with all this blue...

This is November first at Edgewater...

She is singing with joy about being at the lake.  

Comparing lake-glass finds...

 ...and at our friends's new house, where we spent a few hours playing and helping them to strip wallpaper.

These three girls!   So big!  So beautiful!   Naomi and Lillian will be 6 this week.  Six!  How did this happen so fast...

Stunning weather all week.   The shame of it is that Daylight Savings Time (or Daylight Stealing Time, as I like to call it) keeps me from enjoying the fall sunshine much beyond my drive home.  The kids and I did get just a few minutes of fall color in the Gardens on Wednesday...

This weekend:  back to the lake!  Of course.  

Windy as can be, so just a quick stop.  But worth it for this golden light.

Back on the home front, during the week:  Nat and the kids have done well by the weather, and have tried valiantly to keep up with the leaves while they're at it..

Thinking of the backyard, our backyard chickens have had a much improved week.  Brahma is feeling better and acting more like her old self.  We have also gotten 5 eggs from the ladies!  Several from the dependable Plymouth Rock, but also one from Maren and (we think) one from little Polish!
Polish, who is also tolerating being handled very well...

Definitely "most favored chicken" status for this bird.

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