Sunday, November 1, 2015


Quick post tonight.  No narrative needed when you have a picture of a bunny helping to carve pumpkins, right?

Trick-or-Treat #1:  Coventry business district, Thursday October 29.

Steampunk Wizard and Princess
 Ivy was thrilled to push baby Sally in the stroller up and down Coventry.
Cutest reindeer ever.  
These boys sure have a great time together. 
 It was a leeetle bit windy.
 Trick or treating in Big Fun.  Too cool.
Trick or treating #2:  Somerton, October 31.

Cleveland Heights Gothic.

Picking up more friends on the way. 

Sorting the loot. 

Brave, indeed, to face the sugar-rush of the rest of the weekend, tied right in to daylight savings time.  Whee!


And a few updates on non-Halloween happenings...

 Your random chicken picture for the day.  The chickens continue to amuse but are currently not in our best graces.  Plymouth (pictured, left) successfully laid 4 eggs for us and has now stopped, even with the addition of a coop light to extend daylight to 14 hours.  No one else has laid an egg yet.  And now Brahma (not pictured) has developed an ailment that is causing her to walk in circles....  Sigh.  We thought this would be a simpler proposition.  At least they're cute.

 Yarn.  In ever-increasing abundance.  Since Nat has successfully created his working spinning machine, and two bobbins so that he can pair the yarn more easily, we suddenly have an excess of homespun (literally) wool.  Anyone want to knit something???

The completion of soccer.  A make-up day for rain earlier in the season, making this feel like the LONGEST soccer season ever.  And we are only at the once-a-week Rec level!  Despite a somewhat disappointing game today, Jack says he is happy he played fall soccer.  He's come a long way this season, moving from a defense-only player to one of the stronger scorers on the field.  I'm so proud of how hard he's worked and how he is challenging himself. 

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