Sunday, May 3, 2015

May Days

May has arrived in a burst of sunshine and warmth and flowering trees in full bloom.

We've had a nice week, and a simply glorious weekend that went far, far too quickly.

Instead of wishing, vainly, for the weekend to go on, I'll relive it here with you.

Our yard is in bloom, myrtle and narcissa everywhere.  My daughter picked me this bouquet on Wednesday, one tiny flower at a time.... "just for you, mom.  ONLY for you.  No one else."  Have I mentioned I love this little girl?

Ivy Jane is thoroughly enjoying her round of ballet.  It is fun to watch the girls improve each session, old enough now to follow directions and actually benefit from instruction . Ivy and Naomi and Lillian are overjoyed to be in class together, and Jack has made friends with another 2nd grade "older brother," with whom he alternately runs the track and plays minecraft.  I've been getting about 3 miles of running in, along with time chatting with the other moms.  I am really loving my Wednesdays right now, and its sad to think we've only got a few more weeks of this particular routine.  They go so quickly, each of these routines, with just about enough time to settle in to each "new normal" before we  are on to the next one...

In a rare moment of wholesome, structured activity, we covered the living room in castles and roadways on Thursday evening.  If you build it, they will come... a few minutes of modeling on my part and then these two took over for the better part of an hour.  

Saturday started off with my WSC dress rehearsal.  I couldn't resist a solo visit to Rocky River Beach.  What. A.. Day.  Warm sand, icy water, the beach packed with families and dogs all ambling and standing and just soaking up the morning.  I did feel like a bit of a traitor, being there without my own family in tow.  But not enough to ruin my good time, or anything. 

I tore myself away from the lake to head home for soccer.  Three for three with perfect weather.  I tell ya.  I could get used to this.

There was a moment, when I signed Ivy up and extended our soccer obligation to three full hours each Saturday, that I questioned my sanity.  But you know, it's pretty great.  Sitting around in the sun, chatting with friends and neighbors, no obligations other than having a water bottle at the ready for the kids...  and the games are pretty engaging to watch, especially the big kids, who are really coming along with their skills in just these few weeks.  The Comets have a 1-1-2 record but are 100% awesome in their team playing and attitude.  Jack is solidly a defense player and he covers the goal like his life depends on it.  During Saturday's game he only took a break at halftime, playing every minute with serious determination, sportsmanship, and even a good game face when his team lost. I'm surprised (and surprisingly proud) to see that my son has some real skill in the soccer defense department.  His coach suggested he try the "Eastside Kickers,"  our local travel/tournament team.  In classic Jack fashion, our boy thought about this and carefully worked out a plan (one more season of rec soccer first, then trying the other team, thank you.).

Ivy?  Well, I don't  think her coach had to tell her once to keep her hands off the ball during this game.  So there's an improvement.  Girly doesn't seem to care too much about playing the actual game, but happily heads to the field when it is her turn, and sits with her team  (not us!) during the down times.  So big.

After a brief siesta at home we soaked up some more of the day with a quick trip to MOCA and then Mitchell's.  The Uptown area was crawling with happy college kids and locals out enjoying the sun.  Vibrant.  Shining.  Wonderful.  A definite "love where I live" evening.  It's hard to argue with Cleveland in the spring.

To cap off a day that just wouldn't quit, we spent our evening at the Little Gym for Evey's birthday party.  What a nice group of kids.  We too two very tired ones home with us...

Today:  A three mile run to start the day, cleaning and chores in the morning, then a Family Series concert at Severance with the kids and Gram, before my own WSC concert tonight (which went off well, thanks for asking).

Oh, and the kids helped Nat build a picnic table.  We've got a picnic table now. Finally, the perfect patio furniture for our yard and lifestyle...  I love it.

Somehow, miraculously, today felt calm and laid back.  Might've had something to do with the 80 degree sunshine that blanketed us, the open doors and the summer-tinged air flowing through the house.   I could've easily sat the day away with iced coffee and a magazine-- but it felt good to be busy, too.  Most of the house clean and glowing, music has been made and enjoyed, a full moon is shining in the soft clear night outside.  We are tired and sunned and happy around here tonight.

Happy week to you all...

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