Thursday, September 12, 2013

September sunshine

Can you tell I am back to work??  Blog posting seems an insurmountable task at the close of these past few weekdays.  And weekends, actually.  We've gone into a bit of survival mode around here as we all adjust our norms from the high of a vacation-full summer to the intensity of the school year.  It's not always been pretty.  In fact, its been so not-pretty (when it comes to my relationship with my eldest child) that I've been unable to complete  a planned post in honor of his 6th birthday.  I've saved that one in draft mode til I am in a better frame of mind about the child.  Or until he (just after I've given up hope) finally swings into equilibrium about this change of routine, and morphs back into a person I can spend time with again.  Sigh.

In the meantime....

Today, I am loving the September sunshine.  We had weather in the nineties two days ago (!) but thankfully it's settled back to a seasonal 70, with just a hint of chill in the breeze. The trees are tipped with red, reminding me to stop and breathe and savor this, the fastest of the seasons, and all its yellow-hued glory.

Just breathe.

Ivy and I walked Corydon around the block tonight, while boy and dad went off to Martial Arts.  I am thankful that my children take turns with their phases.  It seems that when one of them wanders into shadow, the other will be pure light.  Ivy's taking her turn in the light right now and it was good for the soul to walk, unhurried, through the hazy-glow sun of evening, while my girl pattered on about her imaginary babies in their "carriagers" and took us on trips to the park, the store, the movies... all in the space of a block.  The neighborhood was quiet and I had nothing to attend to but her and it reminded me that I need to do this more often.  Just be, with just one child.  Just soak them in and pay attention to who they are, right now, without trying to do the dishes at the same time.

To stop and savor this season of their lives.  This fast, fast season.

As my daughter reminds me, she's not a baby anymore.  We have her imaginary babies for that, tiny ones, and she assures me that they will stay babies. She is crazy about babies these days.  She asks, "Who will be my baby and children when I am a mama?"  and pantomimes careful care of at least one little one, almost all the time.   If she hands them off to one of us, we must hold them just so, and woe to the adult who does not remember where that imaginary baby is, and what they were supposed to do with it.  This girl is nurturing and sweet and intensely demanding.

 She is also delightfully literal and her speech patterns are so perfect right now. She says things like, "Be careful to don't touch my eyes, mama,  they're too sharp.  Good I have sharp eyes!"  or "Oh!  I pregot! (forgot)"   It is pretty much impossible not to smile when she is around.

This funny little girl, and the September sunshine.... and everything is right with the world again.

Also, tomorrow is Friday.  Which helps a lot.

Picture post this weekend!

And an apologetic post to my wonderful son.  Soon.  When we're not both so tired.

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