Sunday, September 15, 2013

Picture Post

September's been a good month so far, by the looks of these photos. I am glad we took them, as I feel like I've hardly noticed this month going by....

This weekend, at least, seemed to slow down a little.  The kids had an overnight with Gram and some nice one-on-one time with various members of the family, and the time apart/together seems to have done us all good.  The cool September air and sunshine hasn't hurt either.  Last night, Nat and I had a great date at Tree Country Bistro, one of our favorite Coventry destinations, then stayed up late finishing Ivy's new room and reorganizing Jack's.  Today, the kids and I had a peaceful visit to Rocky River Beach, complete with a picnic, bike riding, and many Japanese beetles to catch and build sandhomes for.   Tomorrow, back to the busyness of the week, with Ivy off to her first "full" day of preschool and another 5 day week for the rest of us.  We are settling in.  Fall is coming along nicely. Pictures are a good thing.

My apologies for repeats of previous posts.  Eleven-pm-brain has a hard time keeping track.

Labor Day Weekend:  Last days at the outdoor pool.  Our girl can touch! She's a swimmer all of a sudden...

First loose tooth!  That faraway wiggling face.   Refusing to eat crunchy food.  He lost the tooth at school on Friday.  It was kind of nerve wracking to play tooth fairy-- imagine if he woke up to find me the one reaching under his pillow!

Bike riding!  and more bike riding!  I even went out and bought a bike today so I can join in on the fun.

Sometimes, we catch him smiling.

First day of first grade...

I think we've been out for ice cream more often these past two weeks than all three months before.  It is kind of like a talisman against the end of summer.

First day of threes at St Paul's!

A spontaneous trip to Kalahari to use the tickets Jack won last year.  It was a really great day, actually, surprisingly fun for all of us.

 Love me some Rocky River Park.

Jack, enjoying his new fishing rod at Penitentiary Glen park.  Thanks, Grandpa Jon!

A wonderful picnic at Horseshoe Lake.  Time with M and W and the girls, as well as an unexpected meet up with neighbors and preschool friends.  And ducks to feed!

I'd like for you to notice how high these little girls are climbing.  They are fearless and wonderful.

Ivy and I had a nice Sunday in Lakewood last week, joining Gram for church and playtime at Madison Park.

The boy has been a fundraising fiend, selling candy bars at every opportunity.  We've taken several walks through Coventry and he just goes up to everyone who passes, so confident and polite, asking them if they want a dollar candy bar.  A motivated young man, our Jack.

While I am at work, Nat takes Ivy to picturesque locations.

this giant nest is outside the Cleveland public library.  love my city!

What's that about Rocky River Park?


Ivy's room!  She is asleep in her new big bed for the first time, as of this writing.  (we shall see how the rest of the night goes!) She is so excited about her new space.  We had a lovely bit of time carefully putting her doll's clothes into the tiny dresser and feeding her at the little table and my heart just swelled with joy and pride that she has this place to feed her imagination and dreams.

Sweet dreams to all of you, too...

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