it was pretty great.

(many thanks to a great gram and auntie for making our getaway possible)
Back to the real world in time for a fast and furious four day work week-- two of which were spent in Columbus. On my own. Talk about evading responsibility. I mean, yes, I was there for work. But aside from those 7 hours each day (which were not, as it turns out, all that strenuous. Standard-setting may be mind numbing but its not exactly hard work...) my time was completely, utterly my own. That Wednesday night stretched out like you wouldn't believe. Time for dinner at a park, paperwork for school, a jaunt out for ice cream, a swim, and plenty of cable TV.
It is a good thing that I don't have access to HGTV all the time.
Nonstop days back at home, racing towards the close of the school year, with soccer games and birthday parties and school carnivals thrown in for good measure.
This morning we did escape to the art museum for a lovely bit of time, blowing bubbles and playing on the lawn by the sculpture garden, then inside for a time-out-of-time experience in the Forty Part Motet sound-sculpture installation.
Time away from my little family is a good thing sometimes. Finding space for my thoughts for a moment. Time to read a book and sit and think and be with myself. Time to not worry about laundry or dishes or the routines of life.
But I wouldn't trade all the quiet campgrounds or pristine hotel bedding in the world for what I have at home. Piles of laundry, floors covered with buckeye flowers, full schedules and never enough time-- and so much love.

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