Sunday, March 10, 2013

Signs of spring

The sun's come out this week and we've seen the good side of 30 degrees for several days in a row, so life is pretty good around here.

We've got these two kids who are growing up more every second.  Jack is just so... big.  Yes, tall, and remarkably solid for one who eats like he does.  But also, the way he carries himself.  The attitudes and expressions.  The confidence.  He's been a great kid this weekend.  He's always a great kid but sometimes he's also an annoying kid who bothers his sister too much.  This weekend- he's been sweet, even sometimes polite. Loveable.

Friday night found our crew at the Art Museum.  Nothing like 45 minutes in the coolest.playroom.ever to start the weekend off right.

 Saturday I spent the morning at a choir rehearsal so Nat took the kids to the zoo.  Thanks to his nifty new Facebook group, friends met them there, and Jack and Greg took the zoo by storm.

Today, temperatures topped seventy.  The kids and I had the most wonderful, nigh rapturous, "Thank god its almost spring!" trip to the park this morning.  Seriously.  They were rolling in the grass.  We stayed for an hour, reacquainting ourselves with the swings, the slides, the sandbox: these grand old friends we'd lost touch with over the winter months.  The slides have gotten smaller, I swear they have.  it can't be that my children are that much bigger by comparison...

The afternoon was spent singing what I think may be my favorite West Shore concert ever. The mix of music was just so very lovely, melodic, familiar,gracious.  And, I felt as confident singing it as I have in a long time.  I think I had a good share of the music memorized, knew my parts cold, and the notes just seemed to float out.  There was a lovely ring to the sound in the sanctuary where we sang and I just poured my heart into it. The standing ovation indicated, I hope, that it was all well-received.

The weekend closed with the last Second Sunday Soup of the season.  Appropriately, the weather reminded us why Soup is ending-- with the coming of the light, we won't need to rely on our collective warmth to  survive.  We'll make it through the months more easily now, until we need to come together again as the days shorten in October....

We had just a small gathering tonight, 10 kids tracking mud and leaves in and out of the house, climbing the tree house, playing together like a dream.  Asparagus soup to celebrate spring, glasses of wine to celebrate life.  Promises made to barbecue all summer long and see each other soon-- but comfortable in the knowledge as we parted, that we will certainly see each other again in the fall. 

 One friend noted that one of her favorite things about Cleveland in the winter are our Soup Suppers.  Granted, we don't have a ton of competition in the category of "good things about Cleveland in the winter".  Still, her words are in my heart.  I love our Soup Suppers and I am infinitely grateful that others like them too, that people come and come back and that we have had this tradition for three years now.  
Here's to Soup.   And here's to spring.  

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