Thursday, January 17, 2013


We're still around, never fear.

It just turns out that 2013?  Is kicking my patootie so far.

Work has been exhausting,  getting up at 5 to go to work out has been exhausting, keeping up with the pace of life-not-on-vacation has been exhausting, getting up with a little girl who has given up on sleeping through the night, exhausting...

Being exhausted = not very interesting writing.

I will work on this, I promise.

Thankfully Nat's days with Ivy are keeping us supplied with pictures.  We also had a nice weekend outing this past Saturday, a family trip to the Science Center followed by a spontaneous ride on the free L-Line trolley up to public square.  It was a lovely, unseasonably warm day out and the whole event felt reminiscent  of the City Hop, of summer festivals and exploration... Sigh.

Sunday brought soup!  A delicious green mix of brocolli and brussels sprouts...  complemented by a house full to the brim with children. Thirteen under the age of 5.  It was noisy and crazy and warm and wonderful, all these lovely friends (old and new) gathered and chatting and simultaneously refereeing the littles.

And Nat got to spend his days  with this little imp...

They went back to the Art Museum today.



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