Monday, December 24, 2012

Winter Break!

It's been a wonderful winter vacation so far!

Allow me to recap for you:

Day 1 of vacation (Saturday) began with a lazy hour of snuggling and playing iPhone apps with the kids, followed by pancakes and waffles for breakfast, before donning our winter gear and hitting the sledding hill at 9:30am.  Back home for videos and cocoa-- and we all stayed in jammies til noon!  Then, Nat and I took the kids to Lakewood for an overnight with Gram.  We used our time off to clean (decadent, eh?) and wrap presents before we went over to Melinda and Will's where we had real adult conversation and drinks with them, after their littles went to bed.

It was lovely. 

Sunday we slept in and went out for coffee before picking the kids up at church. And did I mention that in between were 8 wonderful hours of uninterrupted sleep??? 

Yes, a good start to vacation indeed.

Yesterday afternoon found us making a gingerbread house and helping Jack and Ivy to wrap their presents for the family. 

It was a bit strange to have everything at the ready before Christmas Eve.

Today was full of excited children. A surprisingly normal day of keeping them entertained and contained and fed.... capped off with a lovely dinner at my mom's and a delightfully chaotic church service full of dogs and cats and hamsters, music and noisy children and a perfect, friendly demeanor.  I love visiting Trinity.  It always feels like coming home. 

Pictures from the week:

1. Rewind a bit to a week ago, with a visit to Santa's workshop at Lake FarmPark, and a nighttime wagon ride to see the lights...

Sledding!  First snow of the season, on the first day of the season...

Gingerbread house...

Christmas eve... Stockings are hung, sugarplum visions are dancing, all is calm and bright.

 Merry Christmas, all.

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