Sunday, December 30, 2012

Merry Christmas!

It was a white Christmas, a wonderful Christmas, a spoil-and-love each other Christmas.  A two-dog Christmas, a family Christmas, a dragon-and-pink for the children Christmas.

It was pretty much perfect.

We reveled in presents and ate a grand breakfast and went back for more packages after that... and in traditional Henderson fashion, this whole grand production that is Christmas Day-- was pretty much done by 11:30.

So in traditional Morehouse fashion we took off for NY at 1:00.  A smooth drive brought us to Claire's in time for Christmas dinner, a small gift exchange, and time with a gaggle of cousins...

Four snowy, grand, relaxing days in Aurora:  sledding, some more sledding, Science Center, coffee in Ithaca, dinner with cousins.  Repeat. 

Again, pretty much perfect.  The kids even slept well.  And we got wake up each day to scenery like this:

I'll leave you with some more photos of our outdoor adventures in NY.  The snow has continued since our arrival back home and we are trying to make the most of it, skating on the Rink at Wade Oval this afternoon, and snuggling in with our new toys at home.


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