Darn it all.
It keeps me so busy uploading pictures and recording our travels and events, that I find I am leaving out the little moments, the snippets of information about the kiddos that would truly capture them as they are, right now.
To that end, I give you these:
Ivy, her raincoat, and her doll.
Kid loves her new raincoat. Yellow rainslicker with pink and red ladybugs and the cutest ruffle detailing on the hood. Never mind that it fits her perfectly and frames her face so well; what is so wonderful about this coat is her attachment to it. She demands to put it on anytime she sees it. Once you put it on her, she walks around until she find Jack's windbreaker and then she wants him to wear his coat too. Yesterday her coat was in my car, which traveled to Lakeland with Nat while I stayed with the kids. We were getting ready to head out into the rainy evening when girlie, with great intention, began to walk around saying "di-di! Ray-ee! Didi! Rayee!" It took a while before I put it all together, as she walked around and pointed at every coat she could find. "Raincoat! Raining!" That's what she was saying. I explained we didn't have her raincoat but we did have another jacket. She accepted this as long as I put a coat on her baby doll too. Really, she told me, in her own not-really-talking way. We went to dinner at Burger King with her clutching a doll clad in one of Ivy's hooded sweatshirts. She was intensely concerned with the doll getting wet in the rain. I love her.
Jack, preschool, monkey bars and chapter books.
Jack has become very interested in climbing high and jumping off of things recently. OK, that's been for a while. But this week the things that he's been most proud of, all of his reports from school, seem to involve just how high he's climbed, how far he jumped, or whether or not he cried when he fell. The boy is manning up, now that he's 4.
Also, he seems to have a best buddy at preschool, Tristan. Apparently they save seats for each other, and Jack talks about playing with no one else at school so far. Hopefully we'll get along with Tristan's parents...
We've decided to try reading chapter books with Jack, mostly because we are getting tired of the library roulette that is picking out a stack of picture books. What if we get a bunch of lame stories, or too-long stories, and we're stuck with them for a week? What's worse, what if one of those becomes Jack's favorite?? So, we ordered a set of Magic Treehouse books and Jack LOVES them. It IS magical, the attention he is paying as we read, even coming over and laying a head on our shoulders. Three chapters a night and oh does he remember the story from night to night. He's very excited about them. It doesn't hurt that the first two books are about Dinosaurs and Knights, respectively.
Now, back to the reporting and recording. We had a really, really nice weekend. Full of more snippets than I could possible record or even remember. And some wonderful big events too...
The Madison Park Festival (ethnic food, cheesy music, and of course, alpacas..) and a treat of a half hour at the park with just my boy. Best. Half hour. Ever. This little boy? He's pretty fun.
"Weekend of the Pooka" in Bedford Square. We really had no idea what to expect from this venture. I mean, what IS a Pooka??? Turns out, the festival was a small, down-home art fair with lots of interactive booths with very kid-friendly activities. Here you will see Jack sculpting, painting, and creating a poem flag. Ive got the short end of the stick this year, but I think we'll be heading back next year when she can do a bit more...
We ended the weekend with an impromptu and perfect picnic at Horseshoe Lake Park. We followed clambering children up and down rocks and in and out of logs, ate hotdogs and chips with wild abandon, and then fed the ducks as the sun dipped towards the horizon. I promise you pictures soon. For a sneak peek I'll link you over to Melinda's Blog, where you'll see Ivy girl has made the headlines... :)
Goodnight all. More snippets to come soon.
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