We're going to go to IKEA.
We traded vehicles with my mom in advance of our trip to NY next week and Thursday, we weren't doing much. And Ivy needed a morning nap, and we were wondering where we ought to drive to give her a chance to sleep. Why not drive two hours to our favorite mecca of consumerism?
Turns out it was a great idea. We not only got Jack's new big boy bed (about which he is very excited... we may not be able to wait til his birthday to set this up!) but had a really nice chance to chat while kiddos napped on the way home. AND we even got to visit with Fi and Anthony despite our last-minute travels, catching them on the way to their cabin for the weekend. That gorgeous daughter of theirs! It was wonderful to see her too... other people's babies grow so fast!
Here are a few pictures from the day.
Best "soft toy" find ever!
Ivy and Keely may grow up with an unnatural attraction to swedish design...
The girl will always find something to climb on, you can count on that...
"Quick! Everyone put your hands on the table!"
"Scuse me, can I get by??"
Jack did come along too! He just spent most of the time in the ball-crawl childcare area, where he would have gladly stayed all week had they let him...
Rewinding a bit in our week-- Wednesday we had a great outing to downtown, where Jack and Daddy toured the USS Cod submarine, and we all visited the Cleveland Public Library.
In the reading garden
Ivy really loved this shopping cart and this little green shape.
The submarine
The boy who was really excited to be on the submarine.
The boy manning the guns on the submarine.
Finally, to rewind a bit further, here is Ivy with our wonderful friend Meg, who came to visit and stayed with us Monday night. Our kids absolutely adored her, instantly. Not surprising. :)
And, for the fun of it, we thought we'd put big girl in her chair with bear. Um, I think she's still growing, eh?
We're going to try to do this monthly...
The book is this photo is one of her favorites, along with "Baby Animals" and "Farm Animals" and "Where's Spot" and "Kittens". Sensing a theme? She's so great to read with these days, touching the pictures and vocalizing earnestly, clapping her hands with excitement at a favorite part, making animal sounds (snake hissing and bear growling are my favorite, though her "oweee" for meow is pretty stinkin cute too. She's just this hilarious little person who does circuits around our house carrying random things, wearing lanyards, and talking to herself...I love it.
Today we had a great day hosting Jack's best buddy Greg. I took the crew of 3 to the History Museum on my own and it went pretty darn well, actually. I wanted to just drive around all day listening to those two 3 year old boys just chatting away behind me in the van. They were awesome. Jack: "I want multi-grain cheerios for lunch!" Greg: "Green cheerios! Yuck!!" Jack: "Actually, they're brown, and they're really good. You know, Greg, Pig says you should try something new..."
Nat and I just got back from dinner out for our anniversary. It was a lovely evening to be out on Shaker Square, with a decadent amount of time to talk with JUST each other. Of course, as usual, we spent a large percentage of that time talking about children....
And tomorrow, I am off with the kiddos again-- this time only my own, and with Gram to help, too!-- as we head to Detroit for a day trip to meet up with much of the Henderson clan for a quick reunion. We might have made an overnight of it but we've got to get back for the 4th as the jam-packed schedule for the Somerton block party begins at 10am on the 4th!
You can look forward to a picture extravaganza soon, faithful readers! In the meantime, have a wonderful holiday weekend!
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