A lovely smooth drive out on Wednesday ( we only stopped once! haven't made the trip this quickly in 4 years! ) brought us to the beginning of our 2 weeks at Farley's. A much anticipated trip, especially by a little boy. Happily, our first two days have not disappointed. The weather has been sublime. Hot enough by day to make the lake the most appealing thing around, soft evenings and nights cool enough to snuggle under a blanket (or, in Ivy's case, her favorite fish print beach towe1). Jack has been thrilled, overwhelmed, and exhausted by his cousins-in-residence, spending nearly every waking moment with the triplets, running off to the playground with them, fishing for seaweed off the dock, scooter-ing all over the place. I really feel like I haven't seen the boy in the days. And that he's grown up, tangibly, in the space of this time as an independent man of the Point. Farley's is a magical place that way, so self contained and safe that all the littles learn to run free, confident that they are being watched over by the community at large.
And, littles there are! The past two evenings have seen the full contingent of 10 in this youngest generation to play at the Randall/Burnett cottages. Last night, Melinda and Will joined us on their way home from Boston and the number of "under 6's" jumped to 11. It really was almost too much to handle. I couldn't seem to maintain the appropriate small talk because I was just to busy soaking in the tableau of these little humans, riding bikes and chasing balls and running to the playground, the youngest in the crew playing on a blanket or vying for the cozy coupe, the older ones all clad in bike helmets and giggles. Watching them, reveling in their freedom and their togetherness, this group of cousins who will take each other for granted, this beautiful family and built-in friends-- it was almost breathtaking to watch the memories being made, right there before our eyes.
Sipping on a gin and tonic as the sun set over the lake? That was pretty nice too.
Ivy and Jack treated us to a remarkably good first night of sleep. Girlie was only up twice and then there was time we heard a little whimper and awoke to find Jack (who is stationed on a mat on the floor between our beds) fully under Nat's bed. He was asleep again almost before we finished coaxing him out and doesn't remember the excitement now, but we have placed some pillows to each side of his bed to prevent any future sleep-sliding.
Today we enjoyed the fascinating effects of "5 is less than 2" as we hosted the triplets for a portion of the day and watched Jack simply become one of the group as they played, created a band, ate lunch, explored the field, gathered flowers, made potpourri, swam...Around them he is almost fearless, and so grown up-- yet so little still! It seems impossible that in just 2 short years he will be one of these capable little people too... Ivy of course is not to be left behind and insists on going everywhere the big kids go, sitting on their bikes, playing with beads, you name it. Unless we're swimming, then she wants to be with Corydon, apparently...
(Corydon, as you know, can't be left behind when we swim. So, we usually float her on the kayak. Ivy insisted, absolutely insisted, that she be placed on the kayak with the dog. And this is where she "swam" today, with mommy holding her on, of course, and Hannah and Sarah pulling her around. Little queen she is, she just ate it up.)
There are simply too many pictures (already!!) to choose only a few to post. So here is a slide show of our first two days...More memories to come!
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