Friday, April 29, 2011

Fire Camps and chatty girls

Tonight Jack wanted to have a "fire camp" and so we did. We made a tiny, tiny dent in our enormous pile of sticks at the fire pit, roasted 3 marshmallows, and had a wonderful time. It was kind of a revelation, that we don't have to wait for people to come over, and for the kids to go to bed, to have a fire. Thanks to this awesome kid, this little blue-eyed ray of optimism and inspiration living in our house, we've opened up a whole new world of summer recreation for our little family.

I like having a kid.

Things certainly get more interesting once they hit this age, that's for sure. Jack has recently made the discovery that he can get out of bed during his nap time. What's more, he can leave his room. Today, about an hour after putting him down for a nap, Nat came upstairs to his office to find the little man sitting quietly at his desk. He politely informed Daddy that he had a surprise for him. Nat found 4 antacid tablets taken out of a roll, lined up carefully with several post-it notes. It's pretty hard to get upset with that...

Miss Ivy Jane is just over a week away from turning one. I don't know how this year has gone so fast. She's becoming quite the live wire, that one. Some new habits of hers:

* nonstop babbling... something to the order of "bulabuladulabulabula...." Repeat ad infinitum, with increasing volume.

* She's getting into books these days. She points at pictures and words (randomly, not on command or anything!) and seems to really enjoy them... but also really enjoys closing the book again. Usually 2 or 3 times per page.

* She continues to love the dog and daddy ... I think those two may have eclipsed Jack as her favorite things in the universe, for this week. A few times today she pointed and said "di" at the dog. Then this evening while we were reading a lift-a-flap animal book she lifted the flap for the border collie and said "dog" clear as day and all nonchalant like she's been saying it forever. She's pretty inconsistent with the talking attempts, though. It's hard to know when to call something a "first word..."

* I think she isn't in a hurry to walk just yet. She'll cruise on furniture and she's a whiz at pulling up and getting back down to pick things up, but she doesn't like to take steps forward. Why bother when she can crawl like lightning? And CLIMB. Oh does she love to climb. Serious addiction to the stairs.

* She loves to put things in and take things out. She knows all about how doors and lids work and tries valiantly to open and close them, twisting her little hands... we're not safe for much longer! She can nest her Measure Up cups and fill and dump containers of water. Her favorite toys continue to be small, inappropriate objects, though! We had our first "penny in the mouth" incident the other day...


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