Weeks continue to fly... Sorry for the infrequent posting. The advent of Spring may have added some much -needed sunshine and warmth to our lives but it certainly has not added any hours to the day. In fact, it's subtracted some, at least some of those hours I might have spent blogging. This weekend, they were spent instead at the park, sitting on the back step, wandering in the yard, and generally enjoying a most glorious Sunday of 80 degree weather and relaxation. It was the sort of spring day that gives one hope for the future, despite all of the insanity going on in the world. The kids were loving it too, all pink of nose and cheek by the end of the day. Corydon was a flat, happy dog asleep on the floor all day following our walk to Starbucks and the park in the morning. Its good to have a happy, flat dog around the house...
With no further ado, here is girlie at 48 weeks....

And one of Jackie, apparently doing some soft-shoe around our dining room. :)
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