Sunday, August 29, 2010

Three at last!

The boy turned 3 yesterday. Amazing and impossible, isn't it, that my baby Jack is a 3 year old. A boy. Not a trace of little to him, it seems. All kid, all the time, running around the yard with all the other kids yesterday. We had a most wonderful party, a most wonderful day. The weather was clear and deliciously cool, perfect summer with a hint of autumn to the evening. The party started at 11 and thanks to help from Lulu, all was ready. Bottles of pop in the turtle tub, tables dressed, yard looking better than it has looked all summer long. We were well attended and overrun with littles for the next few hours. Giant bubbles were a hit, as was exploring the "woods" and climbing on the mulch pile. Pizza was eaten on blankets on the grass (may not bother with an "eating table" at all next year!) Baby Ivy was passed from hand to hand and people mixed and mingled. Jack lusted over chocolate cupcakes (leaning toward the platter and even drooling a bit as he asked "one more??") and didn't have a single bite of the pink cake he'd requested. Far too many presents were opened in a flurry of wrapping paper with help from Greg's mommy Tiffany. Baby girls sat on blankets and the sun moved across the grass. John-John and Bella pushed Jack in his new fire engine for nearly an hour and helped the new Woody doll to climb the ladder as women cooed over babies and caught up. Preschoolers and families headed home for naps; Kate and Keith came by and the after-party moved to the deck. A small "family of friends" stayed for the day as Jack and Ivy napped and awoke and we ate leftovers as round 3 of presents was opened by one very tired boy. Perfect.

Favorite gifts thus far: The "old fashioned fire truck", Woody, the Duplo tractor set, the Playmobil fire engine, and the new monster truck. A massive playroom overhaul was carried out today to make room for the haul. It is frightening how many toys this boy has accumulated in these quick 3 years.

And quick they have been! Quick, and wonderful. Love you so very much, so very very much, my birthday boy Jack...
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