Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hot times in the city

Yep. Had just about enough of summer around here. It is hot. Sticky humid water-from-the-air-condenses-on-you-if-you-even-think-about-moving hot.

Heat aside, Ivy and I have continued to have a lovely girl's weekend, just the two of us. Today we baked a key lime pie, did some cleaning, went to lunch at Eton Place with Gram, and went to book club. We also walked the dog around the block.

I am done in.

Blame the heat but having just one kid to worry about for the weekend is not the panacea of free time and bliss I thought it might be. Not that Ivy is difficult. No, really she's a delightful baby. But turns out Nat does a lot of the heavy lifting with her-- hauling her carseat around, bouncing her in it to get her to nap, holding her while I run to the loo. I am not sure its easier to be a single parent of one than it is a co-parent of 2, that's for sure.

I am looking forward to my boys coming home tomorrow. Even if they will mess up my nice clean house.

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