From june 2010 |
Milestone update, week 7-8:
Ivy smiles often and purposefully now. She also laughs. Not the true social laughing (or even the fake laughter that is Jack's new thing -- "I'm jus' laughin' at cows, mom!") but oh so cute nonetheless!
She is also cooing-- open ah and oh sounds accompanied by a very serious and deliberate face.
She can hold her head up in supported sitting for quite a long time. She is hardly mushy any more. You know, we still think of her as our tiny baby but she's not so tiny these days! She is getting solid and more in control of her body, stretched out and starting to look around instead of melting into us... sigh. Kind of miss that melty baby...
Yesterday she noticed the mirror above her in her swing and greeted it with excited kicking and smiling. She also notices the mobile abover her pack and play. We need to get the crib set up in the nursery now with a proper, moving mobile for her. I think she'll really enjoy it.
Kicking is a new pastime, as is clawing at her own face. She can get her hands into her mouth but and this appears to be a big goal in life for her-- she sucks with great fortitude on whichever finger or knuckle makes it there-- but she misses a lot and ends up smooshing her hand into her cheek or eye or forehead. It's quite comical until she scratches herself and yells about it. Her fingernails grow so amazingly fast!
She is beginning to regulate into something of a schedule, or at least a "rythm" to her day:
Up around 8am. Time to poop! Eat and have some super happy time laying on her back somewhere.
Back down to take a rest by 9:30-- kicking, cooing and smiling is tough!!)--in her swing. Nature sounds and swinging motion on, please, and a blanket tucked around her.
Back awake around 10:30. This tends to be a fussy/needy stretch. Often we go somewhere at this time. Walking or being held or in the sling...Time to eat, usually a nice big meal, both sides...
11:30-- time for sleep!! She fights it but needs it at this time. Often this nap is in the car carrier, in the car home from somewhere. Or, back in the swing or sling.
Up to eat at around 1-2. Some alert time then she usually naps while Jack is napping, a nice solid nap in her swing, from 2:30-5:30 or so.
Up to eat at 5:30. Alert and happy but ready to fuss at a moments notice if it looks like we are going to eat dinner or need two hands to cook.
Maybe a catnap in the evening, maybe not. By 7:30 or 8 she is getting a bit on the rangy side. Current bedtime routine is PJ's on and a massage around 8. Nurse, hang out, relax while Jack watches videos. Rock to sleep or near sleep while Jack gets tucked in. Be put down in pack and play 4 times and calmed back down each time that doesn't work. Eventually she "wins" and is asleep in her swing by 9:15 or 9:30.
Sleep til 2:30 or 3. Wake to eat and come in bed with mom.
Sleep til 5am. Begin grunting at this time, like clockwork. Time to poop! Get changed. Nurse in bed off and on til 6 or so when mom gets tired of the grunting. Go back in swing and sleep til 7. Wake to eat for real back in bed and sleep very well til 8:30.
1 comment:
Ivy is on a pretty good schedule! We had a great time watching the kids yesterday. Your blog is great! What a fun way to celebrate the fourth. You are a SUPER mom!
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