On my chat board for August 07 kiddos, we are doing "Toddler of the Week". It's Jack's week! (don't you tell me I don't have an exciting life!!)
Thought I'd share his update here too!
* Name: Jack Randall
* Nickname: Jackie
*Birthday?: August 28th
*Weight at birth/Weight now?: 9lbs 4oz/ 34 pounds
*Height at birth/Height now?: 20 inches/ no idea!!! :) He's in the 90th percentile for height, though...
*Siblings?: Ivy Jane, 1 month old, Corydon (fur-sister), 6 years old
*Clothing size (tops/bottoms)?: Tops-- 3T, 2T for short sleeves is OK, bottoms-- 2T-3T depending on whether he's wearing cloth or sposies
*Shoe size?: 91/2
*Still Napping? If yes, how long are naps?: Napping most days, from an hour and a half to two and half hours. If he doesn't sleep he still gets at least an hour of alone "quiet time" in his room...
*STTN?: Finally, yes! He wakes some nights if his legs or feet hurt (he has loose ligaments which means he gets pulls and strains easily and his legs and feet can hurt him at night).
*Crib/Toddler Bed/Big Bed?: Just moved into his toddler bed, at his own choosing, when Ivy was about a week old. We've had it in his room with him since March-- one night he just asked to sleep in it and after one night with lots of waking (kind of freaked him out to be in a new spot, I think) he's done great ever since. He doesn't want us to take the crib out of his room yet, though...
*Potty trained/Process of PTing/Haven't started yet?: Haven't really started. He'll talk about it with us but mostly refuses to sit on the potty when we offer him the chance, even when we offer chocolate ( his favorite thing in the world) as a reward. So we're not pushing it. He knows what to do and I firmly believe, just like everything else this kids does, he'll wait til we almost give up on him EVER doing it, and then decide to do it one day and do great. At least, that is sure what I HOPE happens! :)
*Favorite Foods?: Chocolate! :)
Breakfast: Cheerios, zuchini or banana bread, waffles or pancakes, English muffins, eggs
Lunch: PBJ, waffles, quesadillas, granola bars, cheese, yogurt, eggs, cheerios
Dinner: Chicken nuggets, mac n cheese, PBJ, sometmes spaghetti, pizza, cheerios (lol)
Snacks: granola bars, cheese, goldfish, graham crackers, pretzels, cheerios
*Favorite Book(s)?: Anything about trucks or dinosaurs! He really likes Curious George books. He is into going to the library these days and we get 10 new books a week so his "favorite" books change every week right now!
*Favorite Toy(s)?: Little Monster Truck, Big Monster Truck, his favorite red train engine (these 3 sleep with him at night), remote controlled dump truck, his kitchen food, his LP garage, art supplies, books, his tape player (likes to listen to recorded stories on it, more than music.)
*Favorite Activities?:
Inside: Playing playdough, coloring or stamping, vrooming trucks, reading, helping with cooking or cleaning (seriously, he loves to mop!!), videos (much to our chagrin!) on youtube or DVD's (but he can only do this a couple times a day)
Outside: sandbox, playground, bubbles (LOOOOVES bubbles, we use "gazillion bubbles" brand and he runs around shouting "gadillon bubbles!!"
*Favorite Color?: blue!
*Favorite t.v. show/movie?: Movies-- Cars, Dinosaur Shows--Thomas, Wubzy, Kai Lan
*Any special summer activities planned?: We are finally going to use our local pool- bought a pool pass and Jack will be doing swimming lessons! We are also going to take a few trips to upstate NY to the lake cottage-- hopefully a 2 week stay there, if all goes well with sleeping arrangements for the two little ones! Plus lots of summer festivals, cookouts and fires in the backyard, and playgroups with Jack's friends. Preschool (2 half days per week) starts in September! Wow.
*Anything else you want to share?: I love so much about this age! Well, not the manipulation/talking back/ornery rotten behavior he is pulling out recently! lol But the things he says! He makes me laugh out loud all day long. I love the way he kind of mispronounces things while he tries to use new words, constantly. I love the way he really means what he says, whatever it is. I love his silly giggle and the way he loves tickle games and chasing. I love the way he notices everything about the world. It is fascinating to watch him develop into this unique little person, still the same deliberate, focused, serious little man I've seen since he was an infant-- but so independent now, so many of his own thoughts and insights to share with the world. He's so cool! :)
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