Summertime has arrived just in time to remind me of what I do love about our neighborhood. Jack and I have just had the loveliest of summer evenings, and such a simple one! We set off to walk to the library (Nat had taken Ivy off to Gram's house for a few hours, so Jack and I could have some "us" time, and the library is one of "our" special things...) Turns out we never made it to the library because we were having too much fun walking around the block.
Shortly after turning the corner onto Somerton, we saw some neighbor-friends out on their porch. Jack had played with the young girl, Rachel, at the park a few weeks ago. He recognized her and was asking "What her playing with?" as we started to walk by. They looked up, we waved, said hello from the sidewalk and chatted for a moment. Then the mom came down to say hi to Corydon, then Rachel wandered down and showed Jack what she was playing with: no less than a Play-doh Ice Cream Shop, a toy combining two of Jack's loves. She invited him up to play and we spent a delightful half hour, talking dogs and houses while the kids made "ice cream", watered the plants, and were generally perfect with one another. Did I mention that it was a 68 degree evening with perfect summer sun drifting through the trees? Can't imagine a better evening to spend on a neighbor's lovely porch, on their lovely street, getting to know some lovely new friends. I do hope we see more of them-- not only do the kids play well together but we share design taste (got a sneak peek at their open concept IKEA kitchen and modern furniture!) and have professors in both families. Plus they are ex-pats. Too cool.
Eventually we headed on to attempt our library trip once more. We then ran into Hazel-the-dog and her mom and had to let the dogs have a wrestling break. She was heading down the block to try to find the deer that had been sighted in the neighborhood so we walked together, dogs bounding and barking alongside (good thing Cor is so cute, she can get away with rotten behavior like that...). On the next block, we ran into a nice couple who have two adopted children-- we'd spent some time chatting with them last summer and like them a great deal too. We ended up all standing and chatting in their yard for a while as Jack ran in circles and waved flags and pinwheels with 2 year old Mary, the sun slowly sinking behind the trees...
Yes, our neighborhood is perhaps the most idyllic spot in the universe, it's true.
Jack and I headed home from there-- maybe we'll make it to the library tomorrow. Or not. I'd take another evening like this one, anytime...
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