We went to our first WOW of the 2009 season tonight-- and the first one ever where Jack could be such an active participant. And active he was!! Here's a quick run down of his antics.
Arrival: We got rock star parking, which happened to be right behind a motorcycle. Resounding chorus of "Ooooh! Dat!" from the backseat. This was made even more momentous when another motorcycle pulled in and parked beside the first, as we got out of the car. It took some serious convincing and a small amount of complaining on Jack's part to get him across the street.
Inflatables: Jack, as it turns out, is magnetically drawn to giant inflatable bounce-castles. He spotted them from across the Oval (along with 3 different planes) and stared at them the whole way. We were pretty much against him going in, but he was not about to leave that area without getting a turn, somehow convinced that he loved inflatable bounce-castles, despite having never gone in one before. We gave in. I must say he was fabulous about waiting in line, once I explained it. His turn came, I helped him in... and promptly scooped him back out, screaming in terror. Porr guy. Those things can be pretty intimidating. See below for a funny and potentially very embarrassing-to-future-Jack video of this experience.
Wandering the crowd: We saw a total of 5 acquaintances from the Parent Center, and were stopped numerous times by people wanting to pet and complement the dog. As we left the food and booths of crap area, we spotted the mounted police. Jack loved seeing the horses. On our way back to the center (AKA reggae central, an interesting amalgam middle class families and swaying hippies) we talked to a man with a Barred Owl.
Dancing and Frisbee fetch: Okay, so Jack didn't really dance. He was too interested in VERY seriously studying the drummers in the band. He did enjoy being assisted to jump off the low wall into the grass, as well as trying to pick up stones out of the asphalt. Frisbee fetch really happened, though. Turns out Jack will chase a Frisbee and return it to us. Handy.
Seed Statues: We were trying valiantly to leave and take our tired pumpkin home when he spotted the seed statues by the Botanical Gardens, and was pulled by a siren song equal to that of inflatable bounce-castles: Other Children Playing. He had a blast climbing around on the seeds. My camera battery died before we could get a picture of him in the radish. That was the best. It was a lovely little moment in time, there by the seed statues. Corydon's fan club swarming around, including a 16 month old girl who did not stop hugging her. Monkey-like little boys swinging around on the statues with Jack watching in awe. Beautiful slanting sunlight cutting though the cloud cover. I was so sublimely happy to be right there, right then, with my wonderful little family. It was a great way to spend our 3rd Wedding Anniversary.
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