Jack, on the other hand, is a flexible little monkey and slipped right back into his routine. He's been sleeping a bit better now that we are home, I think because his room is distinctly warmer than the cottage was. Only up once a night to nurse this week. I can handle that.
This weekend we took a day trip to Pittsburg to see some college friends and visit IKEA. Great fun and the boy was a trouper, going on only 30 minutes of nap and being put to bed in a strange place so we could stay later and drink and chat... He's a good kid.
Recent milestone changes center on the verbal, as per norm. We are hearing some sentence being put together.
Often heard:
"Iwanhabit" I wanna have it! Often followed by "viemin"-- vitamin-- as Jack has developed a bit of an obsession with his gummy bear vitamins.
"guy on mino (motorcycle)" Yesterday this was followed by "hat on. Go!" A very cute discussion of a motorcycle crossing the intersection.
Here is a recent update post from BZ:
Jack is obsessed with motorcycles. He calls them "my-no"-- weird huh? He will walk around going myno, myno,myno,myno....etc, on and on, kind of singing it....
He also loves to count and will start from random places and count, over and over. He can go 1-13 but he skips 9 and 11... its really funny.
Whenever we say a phrase he likes the sound of, he'll parrot it back and them repeat it for a while. TOday, DH hurt his foot and I said "poor daddy" and Jack repeated that for about 10 minutes, off and on!
He also loves to say "mommmm-eeee" and have me say "Jackie!" back in the same tone of voice. We'll play that back and forth for a while.
Also we hear "hab it" (Have it) and "want it" alot!

He is also learning the concept of "mine". This is usually yelled. He is quickly approaching his second birthday after all and he likes to remind us that the orneriness is only going to increase! but he is so stinking cute. SO stinking cute. He is getting more into hugs and kisses and tickles and running up to us and grabbing our legs and giggling. Very giggly these days. Very loveable.
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