Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Spring is so good for the soul. We have had 5 days of nearly perfect weather, 50's and 60's during the day, sunshine, a few showers. Jack and Corydon and I have been able to take nice, long walks on a couple of evenings. Jack continues his obsession with Cor's leash. Yesterday he also enjoyed sitting up on the "big boy" setting on his stroller for the first time. I think he could see more than he is used to, and kept turning around, wanting to face forward in a way that he usually doesn't. The crocuses are out in all their glory and the world is greening up and its so fun to talk to him about it all. He seems to be very attentive to his first spring.

Tonight at bathtime he was into splashing again. That kid can move buckets of water, I swear. Nat wore his Starbucks apron to bathe him and it was soaked!

Updates on development: not too much is new but we are seeing a bit more moving around these days. The other day he managed to pivot about 90 degrees on his tummy during play time on the rug. He also is rolling onto his side like a banshee, especially when he is on his changing table. Nothing like the element of danger... He is babbling the cutest noises. He likes "B" sounds most of the time, and lots of ahhh's of varying pitches. When he is hungry or wants to be held he makes "mmmmm" sounds and we think he is using his open/closed hands to indicate that he wants something (its up to us to figure out what that something is!). He is into eating his toes whenever we are changing his clothes. Can't wait til its barefoot season and he can play with those feet more than a couple of times a day. Ok, I can't wait for barefoot season for a lot of other reasons, too....

Tonight he initiated peek-a-boo himself, holding his pants (yes, his pants, he likes to hold them when they're off for diaper changes) against his face then taking them off and smiling. I think his social interactions are his strength right now. He is getting into tickling and any other reciprocal game. Tonight at Target he was belly laughing as Nat played "near, far", pushing away and then running and catching the cart. Jack is also loving patty-cake and can anticipate the tickling part. He is clapping more and will do it in response to our clapping or even our excitement. And I *think* he is trying to wave, which is neat. He has got the most charming scrunch-face smile and continues to be a hit with his adoring public wherever we go....

He is also eating more solids these days. Here are the foods he's tried to date: Apples, pears, peaches, avocado (loves this one!), sweet potatoes (another fave), carrots and squash (pretty good too), prunes, green beans (yuck!!), rice and oat cereal (he prefers oat), baby mum-mum crackers (loves them!), Cheerios and corn flakes, Gerber puffs (Cheerios are better)-- and tastes of our bread, cornbread, and Chipotle guacamole (he really loved that, the kid has good taste).

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