Here is your latest update:
Little boy is officially cutting his third tooth! We had suspected teething as he has had the world's reddest cheeks for a week or so, and was waking up at night even more than is usually his norm. And, sure enough, on Thursday I stuck my thumb in there and the right top front tooth is just beginning to show its pointy little self. His new teeth always get me a bit choked up. He is growing up so very quickly. I had just gotten used to his jack-o-lantern bottom-tooth grin and now its going to change again... and, he is going to be officially a danger on the boob, with teeth on both jaws! Be kind, my little one!!
On the topic of teeth, here is some noteworthy news. Today we brushed Jack's teeth for the first time. It's only taken us about a month...(sheepish grin)... He seemed to really enjoy it, leaving his mouth open and leaning in for more brushing. It was, like most things done by the Jackster these days, very cute.
Another news item-- we are making tremendous headway on the "Jack's playroom" project, and have, in fact, a functional room for playing in, even if I don't consider it quite done yet. Nat purchased the jazzy foam floor tiles at a sale last week and we have been inspired to really clean lean it out and to start painting over the yucky putty color on the walls. We aren't nearly done with the painting and I have yet to buy shelves/organizing bins, but we're getting there. Jack seems to really like it so far. He can pivot around on his belly with great aplomb on the smooth tile surface, and when he throws himself backward from sitting, he doesn't bump his head. Brilliant.
The photos above show the playroom in action, and no, Jack hasn't grown that fast! Today Randy, Amy, and the kids stopped by for a surprise visit on their way home from a trip to Lexington. Our house always gets a sneak preview of what life will be like in a few more years when the crew comes over. Three year-olds times three. Lots of adorable chaos. David and Hannah (shown above) LOVED going through Jack's toys in the playroom. Sarah was torn between playing there and playing with Jack. She's such a caretaker. Lauren is officially taller than me now and is a wonderful grown up young lady. And Randy and Amy continue to amaze us with how sane they remain, and what a good job they do with their children. Jack was pretty overwhelmed by the visit. He smiled at everyone and didn't cry at all, but was a pretty serious guy the whole time they were here. He's been babbling like crazy lately, but didn't say a word til everyone left. Little snob. :)
Speaking of babbling: He is now saying da-da. Nat is thrilled and sure he is referring to him. I am kind of thinking he is referring to the dog. Seeing as he has, on at least one occasion, looked right at the dog and said "da-da" to her. (before grabbing her foot and trying to chew it, of course). He continues to have a major love affair with that dog.
Other "likes" right now: He also is enjoying a game of throwing himself, face first, at pillows that are nearby. He continues to love plastic, straws, paper, and tags. He is also getting into some of his new toys. Today he enjoyed his leapfrog drum and also the little "heads" off of one of his wooden toys. Little faces and a tuft of yarn hair. He took all of them off their stackers and played with the yarn in the most studious manner. He is becoming a fan of table food. Today he ate two different kinds of toast, noodles and beans from our soup at lunch, and noodles and bread at dinner. Along with a LOT of carrots. (I'm a bit worried about how his poop will look tomorrow...) He's still pretty lazy about trying to feed himself. He's a total baby bird-- he'll sit there with his mouth open as his way of "telling" us he wants more. And he'll take just about anything off of my finger. Trusting little thing.
He's pretty darn cute, you know.
Here is is after a bath last week. Check out the mohawk.
And, about to dive bomb his dog. Don't believe her "long suffering" face. She laid herself down there on purpose!

1 comment:
I didn't know the triplets and family had been by. I love the floor foam! Jack's mohawk picture is adorable! Hugs, jacksgram
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