What is this thing I am feeling? Could it be... exhaustion? As I realize anew each year, there is no tired like the first few weeks back to school tired. Thar rare combination of waking up early and working all day, paired with high emotion, and topped off with a good dose of "but its still summer, dammit!" It is a challenging transition, to fit all the living and viccicitudes thereof which used to take a full summer day, into the 5 hours of daylight left after work. Five hours of luscious, summer daylight begging you to go to the pool or the lake or just sit outside with a cocktail.
I am three weeks into my teaching year and life has not stopped for one minute of those weeks.
Nor would I have wanted it too. I am so very tired... but I'm not giving up a minute of this last bit of summer. Maybe I'l rest in November or something.
The week after I went back, the kids started their freshman and senior years at Heights High. I went in to work late to see them off because you don't miss a "last first day." I can't believe my little babies are both in high school and my heart is not ready for Jack to be a senior... but time marches on and both of these tall, smart, determined and all around wonderful young people are very ready for this "level up"- even if both of them have been pretty darn tired since starting, too. They're both playing golf after school, plus Jack continued working at Cumberland through the end of the month. I sure am grateful that Jack drives right now!
Sandwiched in around first days and work days... a spectacular weekend for me.
Holly and I had tickets to see the Indigo Girls and Melissa Etheridge in Chatuaqua on the 16th. We decided to make a weekend of it as Calida and Jacob's wedding was that Sunday. So, two nights away, an amazing concert experience (front row for the win), time with Meg in Buffalo, and a beautiful wedding celebration, all in three days. It was the perfect reward for surviving the first week of what promises to be a very... hectic... school year.
It's hard to pick just a few photos to encapsulate that weekend, but I'll try. I'm also going to copy here a FB post I made reflecting on the concert, because I want to remember the way it made me feel.

We're going to get spoiled, seeing Meg twice in two weeks! This time we got to see her lovely home and eat amazing ramen and snuggle with Zora on the couch. A perfect way to receover from concert night.
Back to work on Monday but also straight into more fun with friends-- and two more musical events! Pub Choir with Mike and his sister, and Jen and Holly and I. A bit tooo much pregaming before on Jen's porch, perhaps, but we *did* enjoy ourselves.
Blustery lake picture, becaues our lake is always beautiful.
Thursday we finally made it to an East Shore Park Club concert- first of the summer. It was a delight. Met new neighbors, watched a beautiful sunset, tried to control our energetic puppy...
And suddenly- Friday again and off to Cincinnati for another long-awaited weekend, attending Mika's sister's baby shower. Which included a meet-and-greet at a French restaurant on Friday night, and then an all out boozy brunch the next afternoon. A two-day baby shower- who knew? Mika's family is just splendid. Kind and brilliant and generous, every one of them. They have scooped me up like I belong to them and it is a warm and wonderful thing. So grateful.
Because this is what happens when you let us have a lot of Bloody Mary's and then some time at a table with adorable woodland centerpieces....
Then Sunday was for cleaning and playing catch up before happy hour at Cavotta's with Jen and then dinner with Teresita, a new Windsong friend who refers to us as "the fun girls".
And.... back to another 5 day work week...
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