Monday, May 6, 2024

A backyard party for Ivy

This silly, smart, beautiful girl turns 14 in three days.  We celebrated her over the weekend with a lovely little backyard party for her closest friends.  It was a joy to watch these sweet young people talk and laugh and play hammock wars and get creative with glow sticks.  They are kind and accepting and creative and fun loving and I am so glad my girl has surrounded herself with this amazing group of humans.

As is the tradition for Ivy's party day, the weather held (except for a bit of drizzle) and we were able to be outside the whole time. And as is the new tradition for Ivy's party, she planned the whole day including food, activities and decorations (which she kindly let mom help with a little bit) and baked her own cake (strawberry shortcake this year).  I was most impressed with her exceedingly thoughtful goody bags- we ordered the inspirational totes and then she hand-embroidered each guests name before adding their favorite candy and a hand-crocheted octopus in their favorite color.  I am immeasurably proud of her kind heart.

Contrary to the gnomes you see everywhere, reader, there was no theme for this party... :)

The party was scheduled for 5 to 9 and we had girls at the house til 10.  Also they broke both the hammock and our decrepit old picnic table without anyone getting hurt.  So, a successful party by all measures. 


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