Nat took off for Brazil on October 27th for his 3 week teaching gig, leaving the kids and I to manage November on our own.
We did pretty well, all told. Kept ourselves rather busy with work, school, choir, house renovations, and swim team, and even fit in some lovely outdoor time and a few notably fun events. And had plenty of help and company from friends, which really made all the difference.
One notable event- Ivy's induction into National Junior Honor Society. I'm so proud of this kid, on so many levels. One being that she took the initiative to apply all on her own once she realized she had met the volunteer hour requirement thanks to her work at the barn. My hard working, conscientous girl.
She hated the induction ceremony, though. Sitting in front of a crowd of people is not her thing.
This, right here, is her thing. Yellow chair, shelf-of-stuff, two cats. ( And the very best hair. )
The first Friday of the month I the opportunity to go with Holly to hear the world premier of a piece written for my friend and musician-idol, Amanda Powell, with poetry by my remarkable friend Elyse Berry. (yes, I do I have really great friends.) It was totally worth driving to Berea :)
Then we spent a good deal of the weekend working at Hunt 1. Meet our new kitchen floor and cabinets!
Sunday was a gift of a day and after painting all morning I needed to get outdoors. Texted the kids while I was walking the dog, to see if they would help me rake and wonder of wonders, they did. Ivy didn't last long once her brother put leaves in her hair (siblings, I tell ya) but Jack and I created a nice pile. And then he taught Winter how to jump in leaves and she loved it, and then we all jumped in for a while. And it was really great.
Daylight savings time happened and with it came the silver lining of catching sunsets on my drive home. For like, two days. Before everything was dark again. (is it time for Christmas lights yet??)
Election day! Good new all around in Ohio, with the passage of issue one and two. Reproductive rights and legal marijuana for the win!
Wednesday we went the P!nk concert at Quicken Loans Arena and it was amazing! I've never been to a concert on this scale and it did not disappoint. Amazing musicianship in addition to the spectacle of it all, plus P!nk just seems really
Had some mama-friends over on Friday and we had the loveliest time around the porch fire, and then inside once we ran out of propane, just catching up on all the complexity and joy in one another's lives. So grateful for these women and their support and love, through my whole parenting journey...
Random cat picture for your enjoyment. 'Tis the season for snuggles.
New curtains! And I finally put away the Halloween decor! On November 10th!
Birthday party for my two favorite newly-14 year olds. I never tire of these kids and their friendship.
Another Sunday, another stunning fall day. Soaked it up on the pergola where both kids once again came outdoors and joined me when I asked.
Moral of this story, I suppose, is-- ask.
(sleepovers are tiring)
This boy had his well visit on November 13- you know, only 2+ months after his birthday. :)
He's officially 6 feet tall, weighs about 170 pounds, and is on track in all the ways. We had a scary moment after he got his meningitis and flu vaccines, where he passed out for a moment. After some apple juice and laying down he was just fine, but this mama is not used to her robust kiddos having health scares and it really shook me. I stayed home and hovered for the first half of rehearsal and worried at Severance for the second-- and happily he continued to be just fine. My chorus friends opted for post-rehearsal dinner and drinks at the Kensington so I could join for a bit and still be close to home. Just one of the many little ways my friends show their love. I am so grateful, for so much.
More Huntmere work- removed the floor, painted all the things, and started replacing the bathroom ceiling.
Threw everything under the bus on Thursday afternoon when it hit 70 degrees, and got Betty out for what was likely her last paddle of the season.
Then Friday we had the fundraiser cabaret for Windsong. It was a great time. The Brownhoist is a super cool new venue, and we had a blast dancing and belting out songs from the back during the karaoke part of the evening (no microphone for this girl, thank you very much). I enjoyed getting to know some of my fellow singers a lot better. I am loving the laid-back, friendly and joyful vibe of this new choir.
Had the most fun on Saturday. Shuttled kids to and from swimming, then headed to Huntmere but with extra help. These three primed the bedroom and some of the hall and chatted away for several hours.
Then our whole crew went to the Roller Derby event at the rec center. I've not seen much roller derby, and after watching this match I still have only a rudimentary understanding of the rules- but it sure was festive!

Then Holly and the trio and I went home to hang out for the evening (and keep the twins overnight). We fully anticipated the kids would head up to Ivy's room and stay sequestered for the duration while we watched some comedy downstairs. To our surprise they stayed downstairs with us for the whole evening. We cooked together, sang songs, played instruments, watched a pirated video of Hadestown, talked, laughed, watched Pitch Perfect, roasted almonds, talked and laughed some more. I had just the best time with these teens. Pictured below is one of the best moments of the evening, when Ivy was walking back and forth in the living room, droning one note on the trombonea nd holding a freshly roasted almond in a pair of tongs. Second best moment was Ivy forcing me to try buzzing the trombone mouthpiece despite my protestations of being unable to buzz. "Buzz, mom! Buzz!" She totally bribed me by letting me braid her hair. It was. A great night.
Apex predators watching the chickens.
In the morning we made a big breakfast and watched Breakfast Club, an idea we'd hatched late the night before. It has been a long time since I sat and watched a movie for two hours in the morning, I tell you that.
Glorious weather yet again so plans to work at Huntmere were scrapped in favor of dragging the kids out into the sunshine. We went to Penitentiary Glen, planning to play in the outdoor playspace but we ended up just walking the dog for a mile and a half in the sunshiney woods, talking together the whole way. The kids reminiscing about favorite vacations and plotting new ones for the future, Jack exploring down to the gorge, Ivy staying close to me. Our family is at its best in nature, for sure.
Had so much fun with my students the day before Thanksgiving break. It's nice to stop with the pressure for a moment and do something special. And they had no idea how many skills they were working on while they made these turkey cookies. :)
(Also- do I not have the CUTEST students this year?? And they are all little love-bugs. I am so lucky)
And... time for the official start of swim season with the Black and Gold scrimmage meet! Correlating perfectly with the start of the Christmas season, swim season is that "one more thing" that you're not sure you have time for,,, but you make time because it's the best. I'll sit for 2 hours on metal bleachers on a hot pool deck any time to watch my kids shine like they do here. They work hard, have fun with friends, banter together, cheer on teammates- and glow from their accomplishments in their races. I am so grateful that our kids get to be a part of this swim program.