Need to finish this post tonight because at 3am we head to the airport for our long-awaited California trip and I'm going to have my work cut out for me witch photo management and blogging for the next 10 days!
Started off Memorial day weekend on Wednesday (the best day to start a weekend, after all) with Literacy Night at Roxboro. It was fun to see Ivy with her school friends (wanting NOTHING to do with us!) and to see the school busy and vibrant with families.
Ivy volunteered at the "kindness card" table and we got to hear two inspiring authors speak, and we had a great time loving our schools and community...Then on Thursday it was show number 2 for Otello. Nat brought Gram and Kirk to see it and it was fun to know my family was out there, even if we could not see each other at all.Then in the evening it was a "blast" from the past-- we attended the Boulevard Blast for the first time in two years, even though we don't have a child at this school anymore. We just can't stay away.
Here is Ivy running the Hook-a-Prize booth. After all the joy it brought to her over the years, it was time to give back. In the form of very random collections of items inside paper bags.
Then Nat and I went to Boss Dog to go salsa dancing. But discovered that salsa dancing is not really our scene. So we finished our beers and came home for a porch fire, TV and laundry folding, only dressed up.
Saturday morning porch coffee. Hello summer mornings.
Spent much of the day spiffing up the house and yard to get ready for an impromptu gathering with cousin Steve and his family.
It was also great to see our cousins. It's been too long. We are so sad to see them head out from Cleveland in just a few weeks. They are excited to return to the West Coast, though, and we are happy for them. We will just have an excuse for more cross- country travel now!
Sweetie-the-chick is still sweet.
And because one festive event in a day just isn't enough, no sooner did we take the dishes inside from our cookout than we were off to the Beachland Ballroom for our friend's birthday party.
But first, a slight detour to the lake because, I mean, LOOK at it.
The birthday party was fun, and also included the bonus of free admission to the burlesque show going on next door. I never realized just how delightful burlesque is. So much body positivity! So many tassles!
Sunday: Our final Otello run! After working on this piece for SO long it seems a little surreal to have it be over. It will be nice to have a break from rehearsals over the summer, but I think I will definitely be doing my re-audtion to do this all again. It's just fun to sing in Severance.
Gorgeous day outside...
.. but I spent much of it inside at the Fairmount with some COC friends. We've known Sharilee since our kids were at Boulevard together- and I learned that I've known Alan since we sang in the Gay Games opening ceremony together all those years ago- but we didn't place each other til we shared drinks together. We are besties now. :)
When it's this nice out, you drag your kids to the beach for sunset. It's a moral imperative.
Home in time for yoga at 10. I've been enjoying these classes so much. It's going to be sad when my "new student month" is over and I have to pay full price for classes. How will I choose which ones to cut back to? Who knew I would ever be sad about doing *less* hot yoga? Life is full of mystery and wonder.
So great to be together and see everyone's increasingly grown-up kiddos.
Is it really a holiday weekend if you don't go to two beaches in a 12 hour period?
Sometimes this place where we live is just too perfect.
And after two days of packing and trying to stick to a normal schedule as much as possible, all of a sudden it was the last day of school. Field day was pretty cute, and also pretty difficult for some of my kiddos. Over the course of the morning I consoled no less than 4 uspet third graders, mourning everything from the wet grass stuck to their shoes to the fact that their team never threw them the ball to how long they still had to wait for the Kona ice truck. The big feelings are no joke this time of year.
I just love this picture of my lovely co-teacher being swarmed by her students just before dismissal. Third graders are so full of joy and devotion.And more hugging at the busses.
Then we very quickly adjourned to Elissa's patio to celebrate the end of the year with drinks and snacks and talking and hot tubbing and singing. I just can't get over my luck with getting to be part of this team of amazing teachers these past two years. Not only are they top-notch educators, they are also a ton of fun!
And... on to the next weekend!
Packed up my classroom on Friday (new room with an actual door, here I come!) I'm actuiially going to miss this little corner-of-a-shared classroom. Some good years of teaching went on in here.
Got home in time to welcome this kid back from her last day of 6th grade!Then celebrated the end of freshman year for Jack with our new annual tradtion of going to Van Aken for pizza and beer.
It was a perfect evening, full of lovely light and conversation and running into other Heights friends left and right.
Saturday we took our crew to Straburg for "Gathering at Gertie's," the summer edition.Sans Jack because hd had his frist full shift of work. It's going to be a real adjustment to have a working kid in this house.
The rest of us enjoyed a cool sunny day with SO much good food, and cute babies.
We were able to celebrate Aunt Pat's 85th birthday! She is amazing.
Straight from Straburg to Cleveland Pride! We met Lillian and Naomi and Melinda just in time for the last hour of the festival. It was a pretty great hour. Ivy has declared that we are going for the WHOLE THING next year. Love this kid.
And my vibrant, beautiful city.
... and summer vacation!
OK, enough relaxing. ;) Time to pack!
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