Sunday, April 3, 2022

Time Marches On...

March was in like a lamb, then settled in and behaved rather like a unicorn there for a minute, and now has headed out kind of like a surly old ewe.  Rain and cold and snow for the last week, with some flurries and freezing rain this morning just in time for April Fools...

April already! 

Here's what we were up to in March:

Taking the disaffected youth to see a synchronized swimming show at the High School on the night of a major snowstorm.  Like you do.
(They were actually pretty psyched about being there.  They wandered over to this window saying, "It's so pretty.... and look, a Wendy's!!")

The swim cadets were awesome,  Pretty cool that its a student-run club in its 83rd year.  Something for everyone at CHHS.

A bright spot in the mid-March cold- my lovely friend Eugenia is getting back to running.  I've missed her greatly.

In an ogoing attempt to keep entropy at bay, we rearranged and deep cleaned the craft/animal/laundry room, creating a bit of a painting studio for Ivy.  I'm quite pleased.

Our Peek n'Peak day was postponed from the 6th til the 13th and we had no right at all to expect the amazing conditions we got that day. We are now convinced that Peek n'Peak is always perfect.  We just love this little place.  The day started off clear  and bright and then turned into a snowglobe.  We traded visibility for 2 inches of fresh butter-smooth snow on the slopes.  March skiing when the conditions actually get better over the course of the day?  Craziness.

Treated ourselves to lunch in a lodge, and skiied til our legs were jello.  A perfect way to end the season.

A few days later...
"False spring" arrived in Cleveland!

We enjoyed 70 degree sunshine- and a show-- for St.  Patrick's Day.

Then a date-day with a picnic on my professional day that Friday...a great way to kick off my spring break!

The we had a fun family dinner that ended with throwing our Cards Against Humanity Family Edition carsd at one another.  We are still finding cards in unexpected places 3 weeks later. 
More theater!  Took advantage of our Christmas gift from Claire- season tickets at Dobama- and watched the somber but intensely well acted Kill, Move, Paradise.

March is for baby animals!  A quick trip to Lake Farmpark in the spring never disappoints. 

Our kids these days like to mope and drag through every event we make them attend, and this day was no exception.  Any "do you want to....?" question is bound to be answered with "no" and they carefully cultivate an attitude of apathetic disengagement.  So, it's just up to Nat and I to have the fun these days.  When the kids wouldn't pose on the tractor, we had them take photos of us posing (and having a great time).  And then, lo and behold, a few minutes later...
I mean, they still wouldn't actually *pose*.  But I'll take participation of any sort.

The first two "real" days of my spring break (Monday and Tuesday) were spent cleaning, taking my mom shoe shopping and for a pedicure, and having a couple of really nice little date days with Nat in the hours between when he got done teaching and the kids got home from school. We had lunch at Pacific East one day and explored Little Italy the next.
We met friends for an after school hike at the ledges, too.

And then- it was off to Florida!  By myself!  Nat is such a saint for manning the troops solo while I ran off to have silly fun.  This trip was such a complete escape from my normal life in every way.  It's also going to get its own post. Stay tuned. 

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