Just a little bit overwhelmed around here right now...
A walk through Winterfest downtown. We did not stay for the lighting. but we did listen to a brass band playing carols, and we shopped the bazaar at the 5th street arcades, and we ran into friends, too!
The first Sunday of Advent came without waiting a moment. It was also the first Sunday of in-person church since March 2020. Lots of changes in the sanctuary- and it's not done yet- but good to be back singing together again.
That Sunday we also hosted a Second Thanksgiving with Steve and Eileen and their family. It was a lovely afternoon with so much food that came together perfectly. For no good reason we made two turkeys for our gathering of eleven.
It's just been such a gift having this sweet family in town. We are going to miss them terribly next year.
Never a dull moment... straight on to my birthday! If it's true that what you do on your birthday is a taste of how your year will be, then 45 is going to be BUSY. When you have a full day of work, your kid's swim meet, and choir rehearsal, you squeeze in cake at tea-time with your mama and call it a birthday.
No complaints, though. All of the busy was GOOD busy. And my family spoiled me with thoughtful gifts and cake at 10:30pm because that's how we roll on school nights.
Wednesday night sunset.
The city looked like a science fiction movie set. Sometimes I can't believe I get to live here.
Decorating continued...
One last free weekend before COC holiday concerts-- we spent it celebrating! Friday night we treated ourselves to "Dinner and Deck the Hall" at my favorite place in the world. All the joy of Stan Hywet in its holiday best, with the added fun of fancy dinner, drinks, and dressing up with great friends.
Wandering demons with switches, crafting, beer, and beautiful decorations, all in the company of my favorite person. It was grand.
Continued the fun with a porch fire with a good friend. I've said it before and I'll say it again. This fire table is awesome, and putting it on the porch is one of the best decisions I've made this winter.
We've had some simply glorious weather this December. Not particularly seasonal, but I'll take the sunshine. This photo was taken on my last run group meetup for two weeks, right before the concert madness began...
The "week of all singing" started with dress rehearsal then a concert for West Shore Chorale. I somehow got roped into running advance ticket sales and volunteers for the concert, which ended up being quite a bit more work than I anticipated. Thanks to that, and the fact that Nat also helped volunteer and the kids didn't come and there was no reception after- means I have exactly zero pictures of the event. It went well, though, all things (Covid, inept new volunteer manager) considered.
Another trombonist in the family means more bad pictures of them hiding in the very back of the band...
I had to run directly to Severance so dashed out of the auditorium as the applause ended.. caught the kiddos and their band teacher heading back to the band room. I love this photo. There's something about the ease and care amongst teacher and students, evident even as they walk.
Thursday: Opening night for the Holiday concerts! Went well, even if our standing and sitting cues were a little shaky.

Ivy placed 3 ornaments. Her heart was not in it, what with having her besties over. While we sat on the porch you could see the three of them on the couch, animatedly chatting away...
Finally convinced Jack to help place the star two days later. The fourteen year old participated, and I caught it on film! Ha!
Saturday: Chores, then two COC concernts. Ten hours at Severance. That is where I live now...
Monday: A gift of a day! Not only did I have NO rehearsals or concerts, but the sky looked like this:
Of course we dropped everything and went to the lake.
And then came home and went right to work on cards and wrapping and...
Don't even mention the fact that its 11 days til Christmas!
A recap of our December so far. With minimal narration because I have to get back to addressing the Christmas cards...
Our second year cutting our tree at Manner's farm! We went the day after Thanksgiving. We don't waste time waiting to start Christmas any more. It was a different experience this year with new management, and actual prices for the trees instead of "cut whichever one you want.."- but a magical day nonetheless, complete with a dusting of snow.
The first Sunday of Advent came without waiting a moment. It was also the first Sunday of in-person church since March 2020. Lots of changes in the sanctuary- and it's not done yet- but good to be back singing together again.
These kids, though. Getting entirely to grown up.
It's just been such a gift having this sweet family in town. We are going to miss them terribly next year.
Wednesday night sunset.
Decorating continued...
Also- we have cute pets!
One last free weekend before COC holiday concerts-- we spent it celebrating! Friday night we treated ourselves to "Dinner and Deck the Hall" at my favorite place in the world. All the joy of Stan Hywet in its holiday best, with the added fun of fancy dinner, drinks, and dressing up with great friends.
It was a perfect night.
We had the grounds totally to ourselves so the photo ops and shenanigans continued.
SO very grateful to celebrate 45 with these people in this place.
For Nat's birthday on Saturday we actually had time to celebrate at home!
Then we continued the party by visiting another of my favorite holiday spots. It was Krampusnacht at the Botanical Gardens- how could we resist?My handsome date.
My gorgeous friends.
We got to "sneak" up the back stairs from gymnasium (where the dinner was, which felt remarkably like a wedding reception) to go tour the house. We felt very very special. We posed for photos everywhere we could, much to the annoyance of people touring behind us. Perk of getting there kind of late, though- the crowds were minimal and at moments it was our own personal hall.
SO very grateful to celebrate 45 with these people in this place.
Wandering demons with switches, crafting, beer, and beautiful decorations, all in the company of my favorite person. It was grand.
We've had some simply glorious weather this December. Not particularly seasonal, but I'll take the sunshine. This photo was taken on my last run group meetup for two weeks, right before the concert madness began...
The "week of all singing" started with dress rehearsal then a concert for West Shore Chorale. I somehow got roped into running advance ticket sales and volunteers for the concert, which ended up being quite a bit more work than I anticipated. Thanks to that, and the fact that Nat also helped volunteer and the kids didn't come and there was no reception after- means I have exactly zero pictures of the event. It went well, though, all things (Covid, inept new volunteer manager) considered.
Monday- COC rehearsal. Tuesday- I got to sing on live TV with a chamber group from COC! I was pleased to have been invited to join the small group, and took a little time off work to be at Severance from 7-8:30am. It was a hoot. I will never say no to singing more Christmas carols.
Wednesday- COC rehearsal (you guessed it!) and this young lady had her first middle school band concert. As expected from 6th grade beginning band, it was not that great. But Miss Ivy Jane showed poise and pride on stage and it was great fun as always to cheer for all the kids.
Also on Tuesday: Jack's school had a lockdown and an early dismissal thanks to a threat made (by a virtual student, about masking, it turns out) on social media. His swim meet that day was also cancelled. Ugh. A lot of hating this world we live it...
But no time to dwell because also: We closed on the Rexwood house! We are now owners of three houses which is just pretty crazy. We have renters for the first and second floors and no mortgage due til February so we get to relax a bit on getting the third floor rented. Purchasing an investment property right at the busiest time of year was maybe not the very best idea. But now that we have gotten this far we can breathe for a moment at least...
Oh and also on Tuesday-- another COC rehearsal...
Another trombonist in the family means more bad pictures of them hiding in the very back of the band...
I had to run directly to Severance so dashed out of the auditorium as the applause ended.. caught the kiddos and their band teacher heading back to the band room. I love this photo. There's something about the ease and care amongst teacher and students, evident even as they walk.
Thursday: Opening night for the Holiday concerts! Went well, even if our standing and sitting cues were a little shaky.
Friday: A great day for our family-- Ivy is fully vaccinated! Also I had the night off from singing, which felt like a vacation. We cooked dinner, walked the dog, and started decorating the tree. Then we enjoyed the 60 degree (!) weather with a porch fire, with two rounds of friends.
Ivy placed 3 ornaments. Her heart was not in it, what with having her besties over. While we sat on the porch you could see the three of them on the couch, animatedly chatting away...
Even baby Charlie enjoyed the porch fire!
Finally convinced Jack to help place the star two days later. The fourteen year old participated, and I caught it on film! Ha!
Saturday: Chores, then two COC concernts. Ten hours at Severance. That is where I live now...
Sunday: Church (we were able to bring Gram along, and Ivy lit the advent candle) then two more COC concerts. Came home in between to bolt some dinner and bring Nat back, who once again volunteered to sell CD's. He's really the most supportive guy.
(don't you just love the giant coat and holey jeans? At least our church prides itself on accepting people "just as they are!")
(don't you just love the giant coat and holey jeans? At least our church prides itself on accepting people "just as they are!")
With the tree decorated, cards on order, and most of my shipping done, I feel like I can start to breathe and enjoy the season a little bit..
Monday: A gift of a day! Not only did I have NO rehearsals or concerts, but the sky looked like this:
Of course we dropped everything and went to the lake.
And then came home and went right to work on cards and wrapping and...
Three more teaching days till break, 5 more COC concerts to go, 10 days til Christmas, 8 days til we need to be fully wrapped and ready...
Let the Christmas countdown begin!
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