Monday, April 5, 2021

Happy Easter!

We've had just a  picture perfect holiday weekend (that is continuing as I type, with a relaxing Monday off work) thanks to lovely spring weather and vaccines that are allowing us to spend more time with the people we love.   It's crazy to think that we are starting round two of "holidays in the pandemic."  A year ago we were tentatively navigating zoom to see our family, and still in pretty strict isolation.  We thought perhaps this would be the only holiday affected by Covid.  Little did we know.  
So it is with extra gratitude that we returned to a few of our Easter traditions this year- spending the day with Gram, dyeing eggs with our friends.  We're not fully back to normal yet, though. It's hard to beleive that we've not had in-person church services for two Easters now. Here's hoping to have that back long before the next one.

It's actually been a full week of celebration, including a birthday party for a little kitty who is one year old.  And who does not really like party hats.

And who is suspicious of cake. 
Birthday parties for cats are pretty funny.

This sweet, not-so-little cat is so very beloved by her family.

Then- egg dyeing with our friends-- actually in person this year!

With elf ears, of course. 

And lots of snuggles from a little dog.

Saturday Gram came over to spend the night and Easter morning with us. Nat and I had a little date to the Art Museum, then we frosted cookies for a while. 

Tommy's for dinner, with Old Fashioned's because a trip to Lexington gan get you into the cocktail habit. :) 
Most of the evening was spent stuffing eggs and preparing a number of over-stuffed baskets.  Lucky for me I had a cat to help me. 
Easter morning!  Little girl was up promptly at 7:30- her agreed upon time-- to view the baskets... and then wait an hour for her brother to wake up...

We kept busy by watching Animal Kingdom. Right in our dining room.  SO many mammals.
Also we had fun with hats and cats.  I posted this photo to FB and I think it us up to 125 likes??  It's the floating cat head, for sure. 

The teen is up!  Sleepy boy with all the hair. 

All this sleeping in meant that egg hunting had to happen pretty quickly after baskets to be ready for church at 10 (which we were still late for, good thing it was in our living room!)

I love that this little girl still runs to go find the eggs.  And also that my boy consented to wear his rabbit ears while hunting.  He's a good sport.

Easter breakfast-- yes, it was as spectacular as it looks. 

Zoom church. Amanda pointed out that last year we had only a pre-recorded sermon and some pre-recorded music so at least this year we were live with our congregation.  Singing away to our Aleluia's from the comfort of our couch.  Strange, but not all bad.

We got out into the spectacular day with a trip to Daffodil Hill, along with most of the population of Cleveland.  It was a festive atmosphere, with kids and dogs running about and the Daffodils resurrected after last week's snow. 

Stopped at Wade Lagoon on the way home to check in on the cherry blossoms (not yet!) and to hide some eggs we'd prepared with little messages of love.  We had a blast secreting them about in the sculpture garden.  And when we went back later that night to check, all but 3 were gone so I'm hoping we helped to spread a little kindness in this world. 

We got home a little after 1:00 and planned to eat at 2, so that left time for -- you guessed it-- an Old Fashioned out on the pergola.  Day drinking is perfectly acceptable on a holday, right? 
We Zoomed with Becca and Vovo while we cooked and then sat down for feast #2 for the day.  Note the cat in this photo, ready to be served. 
Let's zoom in, shall we?

After lunch Nat and I went for a walk and happened upon neighbors working on a project.  Nat had to grab a crowbar and help dig out a giant piece of concrete.  It's good to have this piece of normalcy back, stopping and chatting and helping and seeing our friends.  In the past few days we've run into a number of our hieghts acquaintances, and we've all been pausing to talk and talk and talk, hungry for contact with one another.
Ended the holiday with a trip to the beach.  Edgewater never disappoints.  We were greeted by a glassy lake, myriad happy dogs, friendly people, a drum circle, and a splendid sunset. 

Happy Easter, Happy Spring, Happy Everything. 

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