And so we are trying to find our Advent balance, where we can enjoy the reverence of the waiting, and also keep busy enough to take the edge off for everyone. And even in our shut-down world there are wintry festivities to be found.
We had a delightful time at the Penitentiary Glen "Wild Winter Nights" event, where we went on a night hike, met some wild animals, chatted with a naturalist, and threw snowballs at each other. We do best as a family when we are outdoors together, it never fails.
As is the case at most of the wonderful nighttime events at Penitentiary Glen, the pictures do not do it justice.
We got to bring gifts for the animals in the wildlife center, which was super sweet.Managed to make a snowman during the tour of the rescue animal habitats, because that's how we roll.
I think we are looking at a possum in this picture. I am not sure.
Took the kids out for a walk at Wade Oval on a steely grey Sunday. They were not particulary enthused.
But thanks to interesting art, big rocks, ledges to balance on, and cold fresh air, we had a delightful time.
The little rink is as magic as always, and perhaps even more enjoyable (if somewhat less festive) with the limited crowds.
We've already got another day reserved.
The cat loves this tree. She messes with it, but gently.
Yesterday we helped Gram decorate her tree, and then snuggled in for a Christmas movie together.
It was fun to watch my mom teach my daughter the fine art of arranging decorations. Perfect Ornament Placement Disorder is apparently genetic.
Then Ivy and Winter and I joined our Community of Hope friends downtown to see the lights.
We sang carols and wandered among crowds of people at Public Square. There wasn't an event or anything going on-- just people who want to be out doing something to celebrate the season. People were happy and friendly and all wearing masks and between the music and the lights and the people and the magic reflected in little baby Empress's wide eyes, I was feeling the Christmas spirit for sure.
Today, we prep cookie dough for our swap next weekend, prepare for our last week of teaching and learning in 2020, light the third advent candle, and try our best to enjoy the waiting.
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